
About tendons and how to protect my self from tendon tear


New member
Hello , i have a question and i really hope that you answer it , and that question is: how to prevent tendon tear especially when your on gear , i hope that you talk about this topic i am sure it will be useful for many people .
All that depends on you and how you prepare for a cycle, if you are even ready for a cycle. If you are 5'11 150 pds and just started working out but now want to jump on gear so you can increase all your lifts 35-40pds over night...yea get ready for snapcity
Not to be a smartass, but unless you're a super new lifter, severely underweight AND just totally oblivious to all the smaller injuries that would occur first I don't think you have to worry about this...
In my 33 years of lifting I have yet to see anyone jack themselves up UNLESS they were all three things above all at once which is rare, especially in the AAS game. Now I very well might be outdated as you younger kids somehow think you deserve everything before the age of even being able to vote... but 'snap city' is rare unless you're just dumb af.

*** side note*** this is THE SOURCE PAGE, not the information page. Basically you posted this in the wrong place... so snap city could possibly be within your grasp.
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Wrong section. Two posts above me covered it. Have seen a ruptured achielles tendon but the guy was on cipro antibiotic annnnnnnnnnnnnd it was pretty brutal.
Hello , i have a question and i really hope that you answer it , and that question is: how to prevent tendon tear especially when your on gear , i hope that you talk about this topic i am sure it will be useful for many people .
If you build a proper strong and solid natural foundation before touching gear like you are supposed to, this shouldn't ever be an issue.

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what i do to strengthen connective tissue is use short range motion reps on different exercises using 20-30% more weight.
You can gradually acquire and build strength rather than going balls out initially, listen to your body as well because you will get severe aches/pains before anything goes pop.
There are warning signs.Being the lucky recipient of two rotator cuff tears within one year of eachother.I know there were warning signs I chose to ignore,so it was "snapcity" for me(love that phrase btw AsapSlim).Like 44 said you have to listen to your body.Achy overworked muscle pain is good.Moving your arm,leg,etc & getting a sharp pain followed by a nerve jolt is BAD.
There are warning signs.Being the lucky recipient of two rotator cuff tears within one year of eachother.I know there were warning signs I chose to ignore,so it was "snapcity" for me(love that phrase btw AsapSlim).Like 44 said you have to listen to your body.Achy overworked muscle pain is good.Moving your arm,leg,etc & getting a sharp pain followed by a nerve jolt is BAD.

Exactly you literally have to ignore all the warning signs. Like your crazy ass did but I
44 still loves ya bro.

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You cant prepare imo. I tore my distel bicep tendon in january. Doing deadlifts. Nothing super heavy perfect form. Problem with aas is you get stronger faster than tendons can strengthen.
Hello , i have a question and i really hope that you answer it , and that question is: how to prevent tendon tear especially when your on gear , i hope that you talk about this topic i am sure it will be useful for many people .

Tendon tear is awfully hard to do, BUT if you are wanting best tendon and ligament assistance? Get Lysine and take 600mg to 1 gram a day! Lysine is great for healthy connective tissue!
You cant prepare imo. I tore my distel bicep tendon in january. Doing deadlifts. Nothing super heavy perfect form. Problem with aas is you get stronger faster than tendons can strengthen.

I think that if you're a long time lifter and were very strong before AAS use you've primed yourself pretty much. I lift very heavily and have been virtually injury free while running gear the past 10 years. Sometimes things just fall under shit happens IMO.
If you want to avoid injuries.

1. Use Proper form.
2. Incorporate a Deload week into your program! (very important)
3. Learn how to rest properly. Don't hit chest, shoulders, and triceps 3-4x in one week.

Not much else you can do. Like the 44 said you gotta be pretty dumb to legitimately injury yourself just from lifting and using gear.

P.S. Don't do skull crushers or lateral raises in which you turn your pinky fingers upwards. Injuries waiting to happen IMO.

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If you want to avoid injuries.

1. Use Proper form.
2. Incorporate a Deload week into your program! (very important)
3. Learn how to rest properly. Don't hit chest, shoulders, and triceps 3-4x in one week.

Not much else you can do. Like the 44 said you gotta be pretty dumb to legitimately injury yourself just from lifting and using gear.

P.S. Don't do skull crushers or lateral raises in which you turn your pinky fingers upwards. Injuries waiting to happen IMO.

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Lol... I rarely do them (haven't in months) because they can be problematic as you stated. I use them rarely when I need to change things up and maybe during a two week period if that. Only thing I like about them is you can go heavy on them, but that is the problem with them in the first place. I'll use the ez curl bar and 4x45's on them occasionally, but you can't continuously use this exercise unless you have built up your tendons and feeder muscles period. I see plenty of noobs under the bar doing them each arm/tricep day and most of them are wearing wraps which IMO s an indicator they might not need to be doing them... but you generally can't tell people shit unless they are bold enough to interrupt you and seek advice. Usually teens will ask me, because the guys mid-twenties and up to my age know it all usually. Not to be a dick, but I love when they grab that 110 pound barbell and do them next to me and look at me like 'what now bro'... every once in awhile I might give them a tutorial on what heavy looks like, but usually I'll just keep doing my 1 arm extensions with a 70 hoping they try it and end up with a knot on their foreheads. Joints and tendons health and strength are critical to any successful routine and when ppl finally figure that out and listen to their body the gym will be a better experience for them.

Reference #1. I saw two college kids working out and one was training the other and one was less in shape and was using the same weight... it was ugly. I've never seen so many partial reps in my life... and we won't begin to discuss form. Kid looked like he was having spasms it was so bad.
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Reference #1. I saw two college kids working out and one was training the other and one was less in shape and was using the same weight... it was ugly. I've never seen so many partial reps in my life... and we won't begin to discuss form. Kid looked like he was having spasms it was so bad.

It kills me to see this kinda thing happening in the gym. I see it a lot and I want to walk up to them and be like "just stop now and do it like this" but tbh I blow it off in my head and tell myself "there might not be any hope for this person if I tried".

Im just glad the OP is smart enough to come to a bodybuilding forum to ask questions instead of possibly making unnecessary mistakes.
It kills me to see this kinda thing happening in the gym. I see it a lot and I want to walk up to them and be like "just stop now and do it like this" but tbh I blow it off in my head and tell myself "there might not be any hope for this person if I tried".

Im just glad the OP is smart enough to come to a bodybuilding forum to ask questions instead of possibly making unnecessary mistakes.

I agree, nothing like the blind leading the blind. Chances are if you did say something they might blow you off anyways because that's just the youth of today.
Tendon tear is awfully hard to do, BUT if you are wanting best tendon and ligament assistance? Get Lysine and take 600mg to 1 gram a day! Lysine is great for healthy connective tissue!

yup, vit c, Lysine and Proline.
But if you are an old fart like me, doing something like German Volume Training caused me tendinitis like a bitch. Had to stop that one.
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