So what does it take to tear a 22" plus arm? A 95# DB apparently... I was curling as it was back and biceps days and everything was going gloriously. Killed back and was on the last set of DB iso curls. Some douche bag had one of the 90's (why do we only have one set of 90lb DB's I'll never know) so I grabbed the 95's. Just as I was grabbing the 95's the guy put it back and I started to gran them, but I was committed already and proceeded to curl the 95's. Rep number 3 I felt a POP and I flung the DB's trying to avoid injury. Too late my arm is obviously torn and I put the DB's up, grab a bag of ice and ask the attendant to secure it with tape. I went to one appointment, then went to the ER. I torn my bicep on the muscle not the tendon and they can't repair it because it's just the fascia. I'll be back in the gym in two weeks watch me.