
44 still fuckin hates his in-laws


Active member
So I still hate my in-laws and here are current reasons as to why:

1. If we drive to Houston to take your ass looking at houses because you wanna buy one, why are we looking at houses 2x your approved amount? We drove 2.5 hours gettin there, 2 hours driving you around looking at shit you can't get, feed your fat ass face lunch and drive another 2.5 hours back home... look at shit you can buy bitch, look at shit you can buy.

2.Wife wants to spend a week in Louisiana watching her mom and asked me to come along. Our son goes to school in 3 weeks and you wanna spend a grand on a hotel? Last trip up there cost $400+ and that was just a one day trip and included feeding her families greedy asses. Why would I do that when my son will need to be left with $, need little shit for his room (laundry basket, soaps, linen and covers, pillows... the list goes on). The trip she wants to do is simply because her fat ass'd sister complained about getting burnt out watching their mother... sorry sloth, you shoulda chose a better way to live instead of being 48 and fat as fuck, stuck in the town you were born in. Empathy is fucking overrated.

44 doesn't believe in prejudices, but these mf's make you wanna hate their asses and make Sambo look like he was a productive member of society.
I am gonna wait until 44 post how he really feels... lol

hey its all good when its YOUR money you are spending, i know that feeling. Not married, doubt i ever will get married, nothing against it. I just don't think its for me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But i know that feel when its 40 dollars here, 20 here, 100 here. before you know it... thats 1000 dollars or more GONE... Situations like that get me worked up and aggravated

I know a few "gimmie mother fuckers" the same people that will come around and you know damn well they didn't call you up just to say "whats up" or just bullshit about nothing and stupid shit. Somewhere in that convo they going to ask for something. can win for losen man.......I think if the IL's would disappear off the planet, we would need a vice to get the smile off your face...
You guys have no idea bros... literally makes me wanna apply to be the 1st black/Asian dude to join a triple K chapter... literally gets my BP elevated faster than adrenaline ever could.
I'm a good dude too, laid back, real chill... but these ninjas make the worst come outta me. WTF goes looking at houses that far above your price ceiling? I knock no person for what they have, or don't have, but when the item is common sense you have to begin to wonder.
Common sense can't be bought at any price..........too bad though because if it did, I know where you need to
Even if I cornered the market on it.... they'd be deficient. Sadly I can think of some black lives that DON'T matter to me in Louisiana... that's rich lol.
We went and ate dinner last night and my wife was talking to our son about something as I returned and I said "If it was up to you he'd live at home forever huh?" her: 'yes', me: "Well we see how good that works out with the rest of those mother fuckers in your family..." I couldn't help it bro. Mouth became possessed and started spitting out venom lol. her: 'what do their old asses have to do with our son?' me: "don't forget the young asses too. Not like they moved out and have a life." her: 'Danni went to college', me: "dropped out and has been in her mothers house ever since, she's 26 living at home still with her mother complaining everyday." her: 'you don't know shit about being poor do you, she left because she couldn't afford to keep going.' me: "well forgive me for forgetting what broke is, I did it on purpose and you seem to be enjoying my forgetting as well..." end of convo.
I'm not some rich wealthy mofo, but I handle my own nicely. She needs to ask herself this: When you can just up and go places because your fat assed sister is whining about watching the woman who raised her, watched her kids when she would just drop them off without asking and whose house she always ran to when she got evicted it must be nice to be able to react to others people wishes without concern of being able to do so financially. Fuck my in laws man... bitches always asking for shit, loan me this, can I get this, let me use a car because I just broke my own, can I borrow 20 grand... on and on. Wife invited them to come down and chill 'you can use the hot tub...' I'd have to disinfect that mother fucker immediately after use. Lard cooks when boiled and that fat floating on the water thing.... ughhh.... how they gonna come down? They'd need gas money here and back and have to car pool... fuckin black hill billies. I'm so fucking glad I'm a city boy.
Even if I cornered the market on it.... they'd be deficient. Sadly I can think of some black lives that DON'T matter to me in Louisiana... that's rich lol.
We went and ate dinner last night and my wife was talking to our son about something as I returned and I said "If it was up to you he'd live at home forever huh?" her: 'yes', me: "Well we see how good that works out with the rest of those mother fuckers in your family..." I couldn't help it bro. Mouth became possessed and started spitting out venom lol. her: 'what do their old asses have to do with our son?' me: "don't forget the young asses too. Not like they moved out and have a life." her: 'Danni went to college', me: "dropped out and has been in her mothers house ever since, she's 26 living at home still with her mother complaining everyday." her: 'you don't know shit about being poor do you, she left because she couldn't afford to keep going.' me: "well forgive me for forgetting what broke is, I did it on purpose and you seem to be enjoying my forgetting as well..." end of convo.
I'm not some rich wealthy mofo, but I handle my own nicely. She needs to ask herself this: When you can just up and go places because your fat assed sister is whining about watching the woman who raised her, watched her kids when she would just drop them off without asking and whose house she always ran to when she got evicted it must be nice to be able to react to others people wishes without concern of being able to do so financially. Fuck my in laws man... bitches always asking for shit, loan me this, can I get this, let me use a car because I just broke my own, can I borrow 20 grand... on and on. Wife invited them to come down and chill 'you can use the hot tub...' I'd have to disinfect that mother fucker immediately after use. Lard cooks when boiled and that fat floating on the water thing.... ughhh.... how they gonna come down? They'd need gas money here and back and have to car pool... fuckin black hill billies. I'm so fucking glad I'm a city boy.

Lol, you don't like them then [emoji35]
Lol, you don't like them then [emoji35]

Only when they don't call or text the ol' lady... then they're tolerable. I bought an endless pool that I can't install because of a dumb ass'd city ordinance and finally got refunded the cost minus a 10% inconvenience fee for basically taking it off the market and having to cancel. Wife mentioned that to her sister and all of a sudden you think you can ask to 'borrow' the money to start up a small business? Just because I buy shit for us to enjoy it doesn't mean I just wanna hand out money. I hope they live long healthy lives so I don't have to pay for their funerals because if I have to do that it'll be a low budget cremation and head stone minus all the fanfare regardless of what them fuckers want for whomever. No limo, no police escort, just an ash box and a hole. I don't even like being an asshole, but some ppl bring it out. Gonna try to salvage my day with positive shit...
So I still hate my in-laws and here are current reasons as to why:

1. If we drive to Houston to take your ass looking at houses because you wanna buy one, why are we looking at houses 2x your approved amount? We drove 2.5 hours gettin there, 2 hours driving you around looking at shit you can't get, feed your fat ass face lunch and drive another 2.5 hours back home... look at shit you can buy bitch, look at shit you can buy.

2.Wife wants to spend a week in Louisiana watching her mom and asked me to come along. Our son goes to school in 3 weeks and you wanna spend a grand on a hotel? Last trip up there cost $400+ and that was just a one day trip and included feeding her families greedy asses. Why would I do that when my son will need to be left with $, need little shit for his room (laundry basket, soaps, linen and covers, pillows... the list goes on). The trip she wants to do is simply because her fat ass'd sister complained about getting burnt out watching their mother... sorry sloth, you shoulda chose a better way to live instead of being 48 and fat as fuck, stuck in the town you were born in. Empathy is fucking overrated.

44 doesn't believe in prejudices, but these mf's make you wanna hate their asses and make Sambo look like he was a productive member of society.

We had a sister in law like that. In her late 40's lived at home (other than perhaps a few months), never had a job, daddy took care of everything, etc.

When He passed away, all the fat fuck had to do was take care of her mom. Free room and board, etc. The fat fuck wouldnt even do that, and complained every fucking day about how much work it was.

We kicked her fat ass out of the house, and now she lives off the government teat. and still fucking complains.

Fat fuck, lose weight, get a fucking job.

I hear ya.
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We had a sister in law like that. In her late 40's lived at home (other than perhaps a few months), never had a job, daddy took care of everything, etc.

When He passed away, all the fat fuck had to do was take care of her mom. Free room and board, etc. The fat fuck wouldnt even do that, and complained every fucking day about how much work it was.

We kicked her fat ass out of the house, and now she lives off the government teat. and still fucking complains.

Fat fuck, lose weight, get a fucking job.

I hear ya.

The cunt has a job, but either wants us to pay her additional money (go figure) to look after her own mother, or wants us to hire her through her job to watch her mother which I'm sure she'd take advantage of. Bitch forgot the time we visited and she was there and her mom had shit on her. She even told us it had been there 3 days and she didn't clean her up, or give her a shower. Then had the nerve to tell the other sister that we left it on her even though we just got into town... wtf??
man I m so glad I live vicariously thru your in law stories hahaha fuck that man this is gonna end disastrous if your wife doesn't pull her head outta her ass man I hate to hear that
man I m so glad I live vicariously thru your in law stories hahaha fuck that man this is gonna end disastrous if your wife doesn't pull her head outta her ass man I hate to hear that

Bro it wont be disastrous for me, trust me on that. Son is going off to college, if me and the wife split she can keep her ass in the house if she wants. Only rule will be to not let any of those worthless shits move in with her or I'd sell the house. Her sister who lost a breast is complaining of pain in her chest, I'm hoping she's fine otherwise the wife will want her to come here if not. She takes care of her grandson... so let's pray for good health, cuz if I say no I'd be the bad guy. I'm retired so that means ppl would assume I'd be playing nurse I think. Fuck that.
This part in particular makes me extra sad. I've been eyeing at adding one to my home, the whole renovation costs too much for me to justify though.

Yeah it was gonna be so awesome too. I can't even swim, but it was something I had to have... fucking city ords.
The cunt has a job, but either wants us to pay her additional money (go figure) to look after her own mother, or wants us to hire her through her job to watch her mother which I'm sure she'd take advantage of. Bitch forgot the time we visited and she was there and her mom had shit on her. She even told us it had been there 3 days and she didn't clean her up, or give her a shower. Then had the nerve to tell the other sister that we left it on her even though we just got into town... wtf??

same shit over and over. Smartest thing I did was was disown the whole inbred lot of them. Only person/family I ever deal with any longer is my dad, who totally rocks.
Lmao that was great dude. Im betting a lot can relate.

Phurious Pharma Rep
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I think we all dislike most of our relatives by marriage man... I can't be the only one. Wife says I bad mouth them all the time, but damn they make it so easy to do with that shit they pull. I always try to tell the wife when I feel someone is trying to use us/her and when it's them she says 'I'm not mad they asked, I can always say no'... to me certain shit shouldn't be asked. For instance when fat ass asked if she could borrow a car because she cracked her block ignoring the fluids... really bitch. Sure break mine too, plus she has no license, warrants for tickets and drives like shes the only person on the road. So hell no. Now look at the car options because the wife tried to convince me to let her borrow her car a 2015 Caddy... car#1 Lexus Coupe, #2 Chevy Silverado lifted 8", #3 533hp blown 91 Mustang GT (my baby), or 2014 Camaro... the bitch killed her car bro's... why even ask you fat bitch. I told the wife if she want to let her use her car from now on she can buy her own cars because that one will end up totaled if she loaned it out. My wife has a unicorn somewhere in her head I guess. She told me it's not her sisters fault shes poor, I replied "Actually, it is." You can be 48 y/o making decisions like your 6 years old.
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