
2018 Prep

Very, very impressive all around!! Great to be able to see your progress here thanks for sharing, definitely very motivating.

Thank you bro. Glad to hear everyone is enjoying the progress. Woke up 202.4 this morning but flat as hell after two full days of full keto. Feeling good though
I have yet to compete, but I’ve heard Chris Bumstead talk about being flat down the stretch bf a competition. A lot of guys will start adding carbs to combat the no pump and flatness. He said that doing this is huge mistake. It seems like you have a great coach that really knows his shit. You’re looking really good bro. You’re bottom half is absolutely phenomenal both front and back. Do us all here a favor and bring back that 1st place trophy. It’s great having guys on this site that really live this lifestyle instead of just talking about it.
I have yet to compete, but I’ve heard Chris Bumstead talk about being flat down the stretch bf a competition. A lot of guys will start adding carbs to combat the no pump and flatness. He said that doing this is huge mistake. It seems like you have a great coach that really knows his shit. You’re looking really good bro. You’re bottom half is absolutely phenomenal both front and back. Do us all here a favor and bring back that 1st place trophy. It’s great having guys on this site that really live this lifestyle instead of just talking about it.
That's exactly right. To get to the finish line and in the right condition, you have to be able to put the mindfuck of flatness and loss of fullness aside. It comes with the territory of cutting, especially to sub-single digit bodyfat levels. All part of the process living on poverty calories and glycogen levels
I have yet to compete, but I’ve heard Chris Bumstead talk about being flat down the stretch bf a competition. A lot of guys will start adding carbs to combat the no pump and flatness. He said that doing this is huge mistake. It seems like you have a great coach that really knows his shit. You’re looking really good bro. You’re bottom half is absolutely phenomenal both front and back. Do us all here a favor and bring back that 1st place trophy. It’s great having guys on this site that really live this lifestyle instead of just talking about it.

Definitely bro. It’s not easy for sure but you don’t need carbs to survive and the size comes back. If you can get over the mental aspect and know that it’s gonna make you even better then you can get through it fairly easily. Restriction isn’t tough for me. It’s when energy levels plummet that I start to struggle. I’m not at that point yet so I’m happy about that. And I most definitely will be giving everything to come home with that trophy for my class, the overall, and that IFBB pro card
That's exactly right. To get to the finish line and in the right condition, you have to be able to put the mindfuck of flatness and loss of fullness aside. It comes with the territory of cutting, especially to sub-single digit bodyfat levels. All part of the process living on poverty calories and glycogen levels

For sure bro. I know you know first hand the struggle, but I’m learning it’s really only as difficult as you make it. If you start your prep ahead of schedule you stay ahead of schedule. And of course being positive and loving the process makes it fun and almost easy. When you’re always talking about how shitty you fee and how you’re suffering, you will
For sure bro. I know you know first hand the struggle, but I’m learning it’s really only as difficult as you make it. If you start your prep ahead of schedule you stay ahead of schedule. And of course being positive and loving the process makes it fun and almost easy. When you’re always talking about how shitty you fee and how you’re suffering, you will
Well said. If there's anything I could tell anyone something that will help tremendously that's wanting to compete, it would be to take however long you think you need to get stage ready and add 6 to 8 weeks to it. The value of having time on your side is priceless. Once time is gone it's gone. You can't get it back, and that's where you see p people you g to extremes with cardio and caloric cuts to make it. I'd take a longer slower prep any day. It actually is possible to make it without suffering if you give yourself enough time and have the right mind for it
Well said. If there's anything I could tell anyone something that will help tremendously that's wanting to compete, it would be to take however long you think you need to get stage ready and add 6 to 8 weeks to it. The value of having time on your side is priceless. Once time is gone it's gone. You can't get it back, and that's where you see p people you g to extremes with cardio and caloric cuts to make it. I'd take a longer slower prep any day. It actually is possible to make it without suffering if you give yourself enough time and have the right mind for it

Exactly! I wanted to make this prep as easy as possible so for months prior to starting my actual “prep” I was already basically in prep... strict regimented eating and training and getting and staying lean without killing myself. It made the actual start of prep at about 29 weeks out so easy. Adding 20 min of walking 3 times a week got me down nearly ten pounds on its own. I only really recently started cutting carbs to what I would consider lower. It still isn’t bad. It sucks when you have to do zero. That’s suffering
Getting close to 200 now in the am. Had a great workout last night. Felt really strong with plenty of energy and i snagged some pics for my coach. Here they are


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Damn man, friggin shredded dude. You still have to drop 10lbs???

Haha yeah but I’ll get it. After I deplete glycogen, drop test and cut sodium I’ll probably shed at least 5-7 pounds and I’ll probably have to use dyazide or aldactone to pull some water too. Then sauna but we will make it. 200 pounds isn’t far off so I’m feeling better now, although I wasn’t really too worried. I also have some more fat to lose... a little in my back and glutes but not all that much really
Awesome man, can't wait to see how you look, as someone mentioned earlier it's rare that you actually see people this involved and at this level. So it's great to see, appreciate you sharing your journey.
You look fucking stellar already bro. By the time you're absolutely peeled for the stage, you'll be untouchable. The amount of progress you've made with your physique in the last 2 to 3 years is just unbelievable. You've got it bro. Can't wait to see where it ultimately takes you
You look fucking stellar already bro. By the time you're absolutely peeled for the stage, you'll be untouchable. The amount of progress you've made with your physique in the last 2 to 3 years is just unbelievable. You've got it bro. Can't wait to see where it ultimately takes you

Thank you! It’s been a long road but I’ve made some serious changes to my lifestyle and I just live this way now. Even if I stop competing I’m gonna continue the eat and train with a purpose. I hope to post a picture of that pro card soon
Awesome man, can't wait to see how you look, as someone mentioned earlier it's rare that you actually see people this involved and at this level. So it's great to see, appreciate you sharing your journey.

Thank you brother. We all do what we do to varying degrees. For some the lifestyle I live is just too restrictive and seems like it just drains the joy out of living. But I enjoy it which is why I do it.
This is the latest checkin at my lightest so far. 200.4 pounds straight out of bed


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Damn dude. You look great!! Getting another 10 lbs off might be chore, even with depletion and pulling water, but fuck....youre going to be dick skin shredded to say the least lol
Damn dude. You look great!! Getting another 10 lbs off might be chore, even with depletion and pulling water, but fuck....youre going to be dick skin shredded to say the least lol

Haha yeah. But I tend to drop about 5 pounds just dropping compounds hopefully
So we have figured out the magic number. We are shooting to drop to 196-197.

I just added winstrol at 30mg today. Clen is upped to 80mcg ed. The next week couple weeks will be full of changes. Diet is surprisingly staying the same right now, although I have added far more vegetables to the diet. Carbs still at 100 on non training days and 150 on training days, refeeds as necessary but probably not for awhile now.

Training has been good. Still holding onto some strength, energy, and fullness. Pumps are still pretty good. Attitude is good. Motivation is higher than I anticipated, and overall everything is really good. My relationship is going really well... last year we struggled a lot through prep but she has been amazing and so helpful this year. Thank god. Nobody talks about how tough that shot is. The gym and diet is easy. It’s managing the rest of life that becomes tough during prep
My coach had to talk me off the ledge a few times during my 3rd prep.

Having the people to support you during prep is key. A lot of times I would chit chat with Dylan about sports and it would take my mind off of the fatigue and crankiness and hunger.
My coach had to talk me off the ledge a few times during my 3rd prep.

Having the people to support you during prep is key. A lot of times I would chit chat with Dylan about sports and it would take my mind off of the fatigue and crankiness and hunger.

There have been a lot of people supporting me but my girl has been my biggest this time around. Also staying as busy as possible with work has actually helped, contrary to what I thought it would do. It’s made the time fly by which is such an asset. Idle time made me so irritable and just downright nasty... not to mention the tren made me just unbearable to be around. I’d hear myself reacting and would just be appalled at how I was being, but not able to stop myself. Ughh
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