Hey man I have watched many of your videos and i really feel as though you know what youre talking about i really like your channel I tried to learn as much as i could from the vids but i have a couple questions im concerned about, im 27 years old and I am about to start my first cycle ever. i will be using strictly testosterone cyp at 1cc of 100ml bottle a week for 10 weeks and I have tamoxifen 20milligram pills for my pct in a pack of 50 i want to know if i absolutely need hcg the last four weeks of my cycle or if i can do without? also how many milligrams of tamoxifren do i need to take a day and for how long? , i would also like to know if you think i will be able to see good gains from this low dose of test cyp? and last question is from the video i watched you said to use a anti-aromatization supplement i think, is there a good one i can buy online possibly? please if you can help me out i really would appreciate it i dont want to screw up my body.