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  1. MorrisseyFan

    Monday pharmaceutical and BGS stock list

    It came with my BGS Primo E, which I'm obsessed with and need to order more of everything.
  2. MorrisseyFan

    Monday pharmaceutical and BGS stock list

    Didn't mean that to be an attack. Apologies.
  3. MorrisseyFan

    Monday pharmaceutical and BGS stock list

    Here's what I mean. As you can see this is different from the typical Bayer Proviron we see.
  4. MorrisseyFan

    I'm a believer

    Or... Just run a few grams of Primo!
  5. MorrisseyFan

    Monday pharmaceutical and BGS stock list

    I've always heard Bayer Proviron is faked, and the only legit way to get real pharm is by getting Schering Proviron...
  6. MorrisseyFan

    Primobolan (Methenolone)

    Jesus. Even at 600, I can eat like dog shit and still retain my abs.
  7. MorrisseyFan

    Primobolan (Methenolone)

    When I get a job again I'll try it. Is 1200 Primobolan just mind-blowingly good?
  8. MorrisseyFan

    Primobolan (Methenolone)

    I would, but I'm not fucking made of money.
  9. MorrisseyFan

    Primobolan (Methenolone)

    ~600 BGS Primo E per week, along with ~500 Test E and 25 mg. Schering Proviron every day.
  10. MorrisseyFan

    Primobolan (Methenolone)

    I'm obsessed with Primo... Using BGS'. It's my favorite.
  11. MorrisseyFan

    Pharmacom Tbol and Proviron?

    I'm obsessed with Proviron... May be ordering some more soon.
  12. MorrisseyFan

    BGS and Domestic Pharma Reintroduction

    Glad to hear about the Bayer... I've just heard from a few different people that even Bayer Proviron is faked, unless it's Schering...
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