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    Valhalla -Andro.

    Just PM you NY Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Domestic Pharma & BGS Gear- List

    I just PM you 9th Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Bad Acne

    Yeah man I have NEVER had any issues at all with acne before starting this cycle Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Bad Acne

    I am showering atleast 2 times per day. So that isn't a huge issue Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Bad Acne

    Water intake is still around a gallon a day if not more. Diet is in check, except for my sodium intake is a little high. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Bad Acne

    The only thing I am taking is Anastrozole 1mg ED Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Bad Acne

    What is a supplement that will help reduce my acne on my back. I am only on 500mgs a week of test. But the acne on my back is getting pretty bad. I tend to wear hoodies when I workout and have been doing a little bit of cardio so I know that isn't helping it but I need something to help it. Need...
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    Cruise and blast cycle advice

    Dylan I have been watching a ton of your videos and have gained a lot of knowledge- so I appreciate all of it. I am most likely going to do the shred stack (full 12 weeks) of the cardarine and s4. I know I need to get my BF % down for sure. Do you think I would be able to run a low dose of test...
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    Cruise and blast cycle advice

    Or should I just run cardarine and s-4 the whole 12 weeks I want to get my BF down to that 10-12 mark. What is the best route in regards to these kind of supplements, and I do know that my diet is going to determine everything in the cut! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Sarm Shred stack question

    Following... cause I'm also looking at the cutting stack on the I will also be running it with 250mgs of test as well Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Cruise and blast cycle advice

    Age: 26 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Cruise and blast cycle advice

    6' 2" 225lbs BF: 18-20% Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Cruise and blast cycle advice

    I appreciate the feed back y'all. I m still new to this and I'm about to run my first cycle. So I am trying to educate myself on all of these things I hear from others and try to make sense of it all. I'm going to be on a cut over the next 12 weeks. I'm going to be running test on a low level...
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    Cruise and blast cycle advice

    I am wanting some advice on what would be the best case scenario or advice for doing a cruise and blast on test. Can you give me time lines and dosages? And the pros and cons of it? Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    ordering online / receiving orders

    So is there even a difference from ordering domestically or internationally?
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    ordering online / receiving orders

    I am considering ordering from pharmacom, and pharma lady. Just not sure which is the best and i just cant risk any issues at all w/ my stance within the community. which would be the best that you recommend?
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    ordering online / receiving orders

    i have a big fear about ordering online for the simple fact of having it brought to the house under my name. Has anyone had any issues at all about ordering online, and getting into any type of trouble for getting a package.
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    questions about dosing and how much to need to buy for cutting cycle

    alright so i am 26 years old 6' 2" weight in at 232lbs (after this bulk) i would say i'm in between 20-23% BF right now. I have been working out for 2 years now. I would like to get down to somewhere around 12%-ish on body fat. I'm not to concerned about just being absolutely shredded. Just want...
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    questions about dosing and how much to need to buy for cutting cycle

    So i am coming off of a bulk and i am wanting to begin a cycle of TEST E (250-500mg's per week) and sarms. I have a question about what is a simple sarms stack to run for the 12-16 weeks that i'm not going to spend a ton of money on. I have seen previous post about dosing but im kind of lost in...
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