
Bad Acne


New member
What is a supplement that will help reduce my acne on my back. I am only on 500mgs a week of test. But the acne on my back is getting pretty bad. I tend to wear hoodies when I workout and have been doing a little bit of cardio so I know that isn't helping it but I need something to help it. Need advice, thanks.

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What is a supplement that will help reduce my acne on my back. I am only on 500mgs a week of test. But the acne on my back is getting pretty bad. I tend to wear hoodies when I workout and have been doing a little bit of cardio so I know that isn't helping it but I need something to help it. Need advice, thanks.

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Are you using an AI on cycle? If so which one and what dose? Also,how,is your water intake and sodium, as wel, as the rest of your diet?

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Water intake is still around a gallon a day if not more. Diet is in check, except for my sodium intake is a little high.

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I don't like arimidex at all bro. Aromasin is much better. your estrogen may not even be in check.
I would also shower more and wash your back
I am showering atleast 2 times per day. So that isn't a huge issue

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Some of us are just acne prone on Cycle. I have none off cycle, on cycle it's like biblically bad.

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Yeah man I have NEVER had any issues at all with acne before starting this cycle

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