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  1. S

    New to sarms.

    PCT is at weeks 13-16
  2. S


    I’ve heard nothing but bad reviews of Enhanced athlete. Never tried them personally but that’s because of all the negative reviews I have seen. As far as pills vs. liquid if they accept CC and sells capsules I would stay away from them. UGL’s can and do sell SARMS in capsules but will only...
  3. S

    Anyone else have an erection 24/7 on sarms?

    In weeks 2-3 of running LGD I was having a big increase in sex drive and I was getting morning wood like a mfer but week 4 it has calmed down. Lmao
  4. S

    The future of SARMS

    Hey guys, So I’ve seen a lot of articles reguarding the new bill proposed in Congress to classify SARMS as a schedule III drug. What are y’alls take on this? In my opinion I f it does pass prices would sky rocket making them economically useless compared to AAS.... So do you think SARMS are...
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    S4 increase

    Other than the vision sides anything significant I should look out for when trying to increase?
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    S4 increase

    So I know that the vision sides are described as a yellow tint and difficulty adjusting for light to dark or vice versa, but how would I know that it is “too bad” it hasn’t been an issue at all I have just noticed a yellow tint in my vision.
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    S4 increase

    That’s why I’m asking these questions bro, I would rather ask someone that has experience than just figure it out on my own... so if I have 25 mg capsules and the recommended increase is 50-60mg should I just dump the capsule out and eyeball half of it?
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    S4 increase

    I mean if I get intolerable sides from 75mg all I would have to do is go back to 50mg right?
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    S4 increase

    Hey guys, I’m on week 3 of my LGD/S4/GW cycle. At the two week mark I had slight vision sides from the S4 but it was tolerable. I decided I would up the dosage to 75mg (because they are in 25mg capsules...) I had been splitting the dosage 25mg at about 5:30AM and 25mg at noon. Should I dose the...
  10. S

    Diet advice

    Thanks for the advice guys. I figured I would run maintenance until the stack had time to take effect and then either increase or decrease. Would y’all suggest dropping cals now or waiting?
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    Diet advice

    Hey guys, I am currently running LGD, GW, and S4. I am 1.5 weeks into my cycle and I am starting to feel the benefits. I have been sitting at maintenance calories for the last week and a half and my weight has been consistently at 205-205.5. I am 6’1” 23 y/o with ~15% BF. My question is, when...
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    S4/LGD/GW vision sides/muscle hardening

    I got em from SARMS1 which I now know is not a very good source anymore but I figured I would try them out. I’m gunna give it another week and see if it changes. Honestly it’s so slight that it could be mental... the only really noticeable one is the vision sides. I’ll give an update.
  13. S

    S4/LGD/GW vision sides/muscle hardening

    Edit: LGD 10mgED in AM GW 20mgED in AM S4 50mgED split dose AM/PM
  14. S

    S4/LGD/GW vision sides/muscle hardening

    Hey guys, I’m about to hit the one week mark for my LGD/S4/GW run, and I’m starting to notice a few side effects and I wanted to see if any of these were uncommon. 1.Slight difficulty transitioning from light to dark, no yellow tint. 2.intense pump that feels like muscles are going to cramp...
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    sober peoples!!!

    Congrats bro I love hearing that people found a better way to live. I celebrated 3 years in January. Keep up the good work
  16. S

    Yo I saw your post about your cycle and I was wondering where you got your GW and Clomid from...

    Yo I saw your post about your cycle and I was wondering where you got your GW and Clomid from I’m trying to get my PCT together and I want a good source.
  17. S


    So did I just waste 600 dollars?
  18. S


    Damn I’ve only ever heard good things about them except for their price and customer service. What so bad about them?
  19. S

    Hey have you ever used enhancedrx GW? I saw you vouched for their s4

    Hey have you ever used enhancedrx GW? I saw you vouched for their s4
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    Hey guys I’m trying to find a quality source for GW that has less than $500 minimum purchase. I got my cycle from SARMS1 but I didn’t think GW was necessary until a few days ago and I don’t think they are gunna be able to alter my order... so I need a reputable place to just get some GW. Thanks...
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