
New to sarms.


New member
If anyone could give me some advice I'd appreciate it.
1. From the research I've done I'm looking into trying a short 4 week cycle of yk-11 and Rad 140. 10mg of yk11 daily, 15mg of rad 140 daily.

2. my pct is

3. one a day fitness mens vitamins

4. Fairly clean diet.

age 28
weight 230
height 6,1
body fat 15%
been all natural for 28 years.
1st ever cycle of sarms
10 years lifting/ working out experience.
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Nothing you want to do makes any sense at all bro. 4 week cycle of anything is a waste. You need 12 to get the full benefit. I wouldnt waste your time with yk11. You also need a quality source for sarms. Your pct is also not sufficient whatsoever.

This is what id recommend to you

1-12 rad140 20mg per day dosed in the am
1-12 Lgd 10mg per day dosed in the am
9-12 Post CT


Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day
i would never recommend using yk11, not if you paid me... there is far too many concerns there... you dont even truly know what you are getting...

that is NO pct whatsoever, good lord... where on earth are you doing this "research" at?? 4 weeks is pointless man.. this is all just completely wrong and is going to be a huge waste of time and money
i would never recommend using yk11, not if you paid me... there is far too many concerns there... you dont even truly know what you are getting...

that is NO pct whatsoever, good lord... where on earth are you doing this "research" at?? 4 weeks is pointless man.. this is all just completely wrong and is going to be a huge waste of time and money

I'm not looking to get huge or have massive gains, I just want a slight boost while maintaining a good psychological personality I have a dangerous job with high responsibility, and 8 weeks will be my max. Any recommendations without breaking my bank for compound would help.
i wouldnt waste your time.. they dont even peak until week 8... its a 12 weeks cycle... i would just skip it bro if you cant run them properly
Nothing you want to do makes any sense at all bro. 4 week cycle of anything is a waste. You need 12 to get the full benefit. I wouldnt waste your time with yk11. You also need a quality source for sarms. Your pct is also not sufficient whatsoever.

This is what id recommend to you

1-12 rad140 20mg per day dosed in the am
1-12 Lgd 10mg per day dosed in the am
9-12 Post CT


Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day

i just want to make sure I fully understand. I can start my PCT at 9 weeks with clomid, and gw, while I'm still taking rad & lgd? So my pct is the last 4 weeks of my 12 week cycle?
i just want to make sure I fully understand. I can start my PCT at 9 weeks with clomid, and gw, while I'm still taking rad & lgd? So my pct is the last 4 weeks of my 12 week cycle?
No, pct is weeks 13-16

You run Post CT the last 4 weeks of your cycle at weeks 9-12
no, your pct is just as its laid out, weeks 13-16.. dga post ct is a test booster that you run during your cycle...
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