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  1. B

    Test e cycle

    i may run it throughout also,MK-2866 throughout pct also perhaps?
  2. B

    Test e cycle

    what kind of dosage am i looking at for the GW, and throughout the full 4weeks of pct?
  3. B

    Test e cycle

    My cycle: Week 1-12 - 375mg Test E (split into two injections, monday/thursday) 2 weeks after last injection PCT begins: Clomid - 50/50/25/25 Nolva - 40/20/20/20 Aromasin dosed throughout - 12.5mg EOD
  4. B

    Test e cycle

    going to run 375mg test e a week (1.5ml), is it best to inject 0.75 twice a week or just pin it once a week?
  5. B

    1st cycle!

    would either be the t400 which is prop cyp and enth or test e 250
  6. B

    1st cycle!

    starting my first cycle in a few weeks and was wondering if its best to go with test 400 pinning once a week or test 2 250 pinning it twice a week?
  7. B

    First Cycle

    would i see any affects on just 1ml of test e at 200mg a week? or would it be best to double dose?
  8. B

    First Cycle

    okay mate, thanks!
  9. B

    First Cycle

    how so? 22 year old, 5 ft 7, 167lbs, 10% body fat
  10. B

    First Cycle

    Starting my first cycle in september and just wondering if this cycle looks alright for starting off. Week 1-10 Test 400 - 1ml a week Week 1-10 Aromasin 12.5mg ed PCT Week 12-16 Clomid 50mg ed Week 12-14 Nolva 40mg ed Week 14-16 Nolva 20mg ed
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