
1st cycle!

ye man just heard about people gaining some fat while on cycle. Some of it is water weight as well.

He's, if it is water weight that is something completely different than fat. If you eat in a surplus you are going to put some fat on over time. Being on or off cycle doesn't change that
Water weight and Fat gain are completely different. Water weight can fluctuate based on many factors, hormones, training/recovery, diet, health, etc but it is temporary. Fat gain is from eating in a surplus overtime. Think of fat almost as "storage" from excess nutrients. Regardless if you're on or off cycle, you have to watch your diet as that's one of the key components in controlling fat gain.

Phurious Pharma Rep
Contact: [email protected]
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starting my first cycle in a few weeks and was wondering if its best to go with test 400 pinning once a week or test 2 250 pinning it twice a week?
1st cycle I would use cyp only at about 300 per week. what is your normal levels have you had bloods done? what are your stats

height weight bf% etc
Water weight and Fat gain are completely different. Water weight can fluctuate based on many factors, hormones, training/recovery, diet, health, etc but it is temporary. Fat gain is from eating in a surplus overtime. Think of fat almost as "storage" from excess nutrients. Regardless if you're on or off cycle, you have to watch your diet as that's one of the key components in controlling fat gain.

Phurious Pharma Rep
Contact: [email protected]

Use Code: MP5 For 5% Discount

ye man that is true!
you really do not need 500 mg on your first cycle.. you can but its not necessary.. the ones that gain water weight do not control their estrogen and/or run test too high... you should always assess with doses on your first cycle and that would include starting lower and working your way up... that's up to you but that would be the smartest and safest way to do it...
Fat gain whether first cycle, 20th cycle, or natural really comes down to 3 things:

1. Diet

2. Genetics

3. Insulin sensitivity

I have friends who eat super clean and still gain fat while bulking whereas I tend to cheat alot on my diet and stay lean while gaining muscle naturally (the effect is enhanced when on gear of course)

So just focus on your diet and train hard... how your body responds to the food and training stimulus is completely up to your genetics to decide.

Sent from my SM-N900W8 using Tapatalk
How about some stats before we start fishing for answers bro. We're here to help, so provide what we need to know and fire away. Just be prepared to hear the truth.
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