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  1. L

    PCT difficulties

    Yeah exactly I'll knock the dose down. Thanks for the input as always.
  2. L

    PCT difficulties

    I went and got bloodwork done to be sure. My liver enzymes, ECG results and blood pressure and ultrasound of heart and everything are good however I have to get a separate test for hormone levels. That was general consensus from doctor was the clomid being as strong as it is and I was taking too...
  3. L

    PCT difficulties

    Right, of course. Thank again for your help Rick
  4. L

    PCT difficulties

    It was a completely ignorant and uneducated decision and I'm definitely paying for it now. I'll cut the dose down to 50mg on the clomid, thanks for that info. Are clomid tabs okay to break in half? Should I take 25mg in morning and 25mg at night or the 50mg all at once? Right now I have been...
  5. L

    PCT difficulties

    Hey guys I'm a handful of days into my PCT off a stupidly done 30mg ED dianabol cycle (no injectable test). I'm taking 100mg of clomid a day with 40mg of nolva right now and my anxiety is through the roof. Is this normal? Is it caused by the clomid and nolva? I feel like absolute trash and my...
  6. L

    my first cycle

    What does your diet look like right now?
  7. L

    my first cycle

    Some friends of mine who did their first pins chalked up some of the pain to shaky hands / tensing the muscle from being nervous
  8. L

    What are SARMS: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

    This is a very informative video. Should be sticky'd up with the other post regarding newcomers.
  9. L

    10mg Dianabol bridge?

    Thanks guys. Means the world getting real information.
  10. L

    10mg Dianabol bridge?

    Great thank you for clearing that up I have seen it plastered all over other forums.
  11. L

    10mg Dianabol bridge?

    I've been furthering my research and continuing to keep learning as much as I can from everyone here and the information available on the website. I was reading the dianabol page and see some people use 10mg/day as a bridge. Has anyone had any first hand experience trying this? Can you really...
  12. L

    First cycle

    At 21 years old it might be quite a bit early to start suppressing test? I could be wrong about that - from someone more experienced, does the same rule apply with SARMs as steroids or are they not suppressive enough to be concern at that age?
  13. L

    Chest pains during PCT?

    That's a relief and not what I was expecting to hear bro - I do have anxiety (Switched from a whopping eight pharmaceuticals from a crazy psychiatrist to medical marijuana last year and I'll never turn back) - never put two and two together.
  14. L

    Chest pains during PCT?

    Currently I am using 40mg nolva ED and 100mg clomid ED and it seems when I take them I have some chest pains. I just finished 3 weeks of dbol ONLY 30mg ED (for those who haven't seen my intro post trust me, I know how bad of an idea this was now). Can nolva or clomid have this adverse effect...
  15. L

    Am I Ready for Steroids? A new video by Dylan Gemelli

    Another great lesson bro. I wish I had found your videos before I tried dbol so carelessly
  16. L

    Do you really need protein shakes?: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

    Very interesting video, thanks for the info
  17. L

    The VIDEO YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR!! Why Oral Only Cycles are Horrible!!

    Anyone thinking of running an oral only cycle should watch this video. This video got me OFF an oral only cycle and ON to education.
  18. L

    Proper introduction

    redundant post
  19. L

    Dbol only cycle

    Talking from experience I wouldn't ever run an oral-only cycle ever again, period. Regardless of what it is. I ran 3 weeks of dbol only. If you already lost it all every time, I'm not sure why you would want to attempt it again. Your results will not be different, and chances are if you are...
  20. L

    Thank you

    Thanks EZ, means a lot.
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