
Chest pains during PCT?


New member
Currently I am using 40mg nolva ED and 100mg clomid ED and it seems when I take them I have some chest pains. I just finished 3 weeks of dbol ONLY 30mg ED (for those who haven't seen my intro post trust me, I know how bad of an idea this was now). Can nolva or clomid have this adverse effect? Should I be taking them separate from each other? Maybe a high chance I did some damage to my heart? I did keep a close eye on my blood pressure and only the first day did I experience unusually high blood pressure. I'm splitting the doses 2x daily currently but I take the clomid and nolva at the same time.

I've NEVER done steroids or a PCT before and unfortunately I'm scrambling to educate myself now as I followed some real poor advice.
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That's a relief and not what I was expecting to hear bro - I do have anxiety (Switched from a whopping eight pharmaceuticals from a crazy psychiatrist to medical marijuana last year and I'll never turn back) - never put two and two together.
That's a relief and not what I was expecting to hear bro - I do have anxiety (Switched from a whopping eight pharmaceuticals from a crazy psychiatrist to medical marijuana last year and I'll never turn back) - never put two and two together.

Thats more than likely what it is bro...
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