
Thank you


New member
Hey Dylan,

Recently stumbled across the videos on youtube and learned a lot, it's scary how much misinformation is out there.

I was very sick last year so a 'friend' of mine recommended dianabol now that I'm better to gain some mass back (lost ~40 lbs last year without getting into the details). That being said, I watched your video about oral only cycles and it really opened my eyes and I'm stopping taking it. I've taken 30mg / ED for 3 weeks with 20mg of nolvadex daily and I'm running clomid and nolva for PCT. I'm up 20lbs but I feel like trash which is what prompted me to start doing research. Probably should have done the research first without taking someone else's word for it but obviously I know I made a mistake. Guess I'll see how shitty i really feel over the next little bit because I wasn't running any test either.

I guess what I'm trying to say is I appreciate your videos and have been watching more of them and taking the time to get educated. Thanks for taking the time to spread some real KNOWLEDGE and not just what people want to hear. Potentially saving lives in the process!

you are very welcome brother, im so happy that i have been able to help... stick around the forum here and you will learn something new by the minute!
Thanks so much again. I'll be sticking around for sure, I've been exploring the forums and your videos more and it seems like there are a lot of good people and good minds here!
Well said. It takes a real stand up guy to admit a mistake.

Glad to have you here and best wishes for continued recovery.
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