Hey Bro’s, I’m looking to get some recommendations for dosages on EQ for a cutting cycle. Should I go with 600 or 800 migs per week and keep the test lower at say a TRT level of 250 migs. I like EQ, used it before at a much lower dosage. Cycle length, looking at 18 weeks. Diet and training in...
I work in a prison and deal with Dbags for 16 hours a day. So I just have to laugh at these soy boys sometimes. They think their hard but they don’t know what that means. I’d love to see them step up, try talking shit to a guy doing life for murder.
Just placed my first order with Pharmacom. The process went super smooth. Ordered some Winny tabs and Masteron. Great communication so far. Looking good.
Thanks for the welcome. Glad to be here. I see dudes trying to run a shit ton of gear or ask me should I run this or that. I tell them my experiences and whether they take my advice or not it’s on them. These young guys want instant results as soon as possible. Slow and steady wins this race.
What’s Up everyone, just wanted to introduce my self to the forum as this is my first post. I’m 40 y/o, 5’4”, currently sitting at 170lbs. My BF% is between 10% - 12% according to my scale. I’ve been training correctly for the last 5 years and just going to the gym for about 15 years. Pretty...