Hey Bro’s, I’m looking to get some recommendations for dosages on EQ for a cutting cycle. Should I go with 600 or 800 migs per week and keep the test lower at say a TRT level of 250 migs. I like EQ, used it before at a much lower dosage. Cycle length, looking at 18 weeks. Diet and training in check. I’m 5’5, currently sitting at 175lbs, 40 y/o, BF% between 10-12. I’m on TRT and have run 6 cycles already. Nothing crazy , just test and an anabolic with an oral kickstart. I don’t plan on running this cycle till after the new year. Still considering what compounds I’d like to add to it. I’d like to hear other recommendations on compounds as well. No Tren for me. I’m done with that stuff.
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