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    Arnold Schwarzenegger Steroid Cycle

    yes Cedric won it in columbus this year that was bs. Even arnold was pissed and said to kais face lol "cedric had the better physique, but you won it cause of the posing round". Then in austrailia he said to kai ''cmon kai do a double bicep pose...with a vaccum'' lol. Arnolds awesome he would...
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    Arnold Schwarzenegger Steroid Cycle

    Yeah, I think things will change if Cedric McMillian starts win mr.olympia, but they need to change the judges. As for me im probably gonna do classic physique but i hope either it goes up 10lbs more or just remove the weight restrictions cause bbers from 70's and 80's were bigger then what...
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    Arnold Schwarzenegger Steroid Cycle

    Right i just cant stand were Dorian took bodybuilidng to the slin and gh gut look thats been continuing till this day judges have been picking these pregnant bbers to win. Except for flex, shawn ray, cedric mcmillan
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    Arnold Schwarzenegger Steroid Cycle

    Regardless though, imo Arnold had the best physique of all time and ive been trying make my body look like his.
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    Arnold Schwarzenegger Steroid Cycle

    yes around 1970 or 71 he went to germany for like couple months then came back to venice golds gym with huge calves according to ric drasin also who witnessed it
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    Arnold Schwarzenegger Steroid Cycle

    According to Arnolds friend and training partner Ric drasin (Rics corner on youtube) Arnold used mostly Primobolan. He used also Deca, Ciba's Dbol baby blue pills which was wayyyy more potent than todays dbol, cytomil (T3)
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    Good to know ive been going through online pharma but havent tried there primo expensive. Got tren enanthate from them great quality
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    Most primo is fake, wish i could get my hands on it. It was arnolds favorite
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