



Hope you are well and I appreciate you taking time to read and respond to my message. I’m 6’4” and currently exactly 200lbs and eating at a moderate calorie deficit of 2,400 calories a day (180g of protein, 240g of carbs, 80g of fat) and I’m getting great results leaning down. My strength is still pretty solid, slightly less that what it was at my heaviest (230lbs when on cycle). I’m ready to really kick it into high gear and get super lean and add back some size. Would you recommend just Test Cyp 300-600 mg/week, Primo 800mg/week, and Arimidex? I’ve thought about Tren, but the goal is too look amazing while still having incredible quality of life and feel great, so keeping sides to an absolute minimum is ideal. Let me know what you would recommend.
Welcome bud. What are your complete stats? Your 6'4" 200 lbs, but whats your age and bf%? Also what is your cycle experience? I'll tell you right now if you want to keep sides at an absolute minimum, I would pass on tren. Let's start with more about you man.

Hope you are well and I appreciate you taking time to read and respond to my message. I’m 6’4” and currently exactly 200lbs and eating at a moderate calorie deficit of 2,400 calories a day (180g of protein, 240g of carbs, 80g of fat) and I’m getting great results leaning down. My strength is still pretty solid, slightly less that what it was at my heaviest (230lbs when on cycle). I’m ready to really kick it into high gear and get super lean and add back some size. Would you recommend just Test Cyp 300-600 mg/week, Primo 800mg/week, and Arimidex? I’ve thought about Tren, but the goal is too look amazing while still having incredible quality of life and feel great, so keeping sides to an absolute minimum is ideal. Let me know what you would recommend.

steroids are not fat burners and not used in that facet whatsoever... what is your current body fat? have you ran any cycles in the past? how old are you?
Hes only a inch shorter than me and at 200 lbs im a stick and shredded so he is below 10 percent bodyfat or has no muscle at all either way not convinced your ready too go enhanced yet .but if your gonna do it anyhow Id stick with just test bro and eat at maintainance very clean lift heavy and focus on making lean gains at your size the addition of lean muscle will lean you out further if you try too diet down your going too stay skinny . focus on recomp
Hes only a inch shorter than me and at 200 lbs im a stick and shredded so he is below 10 percent bodyfat or has no muscle at all either way not convinced your ready too go enhanced yet .but if your gonna do it anyhow Id stick with just test bro and eat at maintainance very clean lift heavy and focus on making lean gains at your size the addition of lean muscle will lean you out further if you try too diet down your going too stay skinny . focus on recomp

I was thinking the same. I am 6'2 and always 200-210, and don't consider myself big. He has to be on the very skinny side.
Based on the stats alone, I'd say steroids are not the answer. They also are not fat burners. I'd much rather see a good solid sarms stack used here, which I'd be happy to set up

For your goals, a sarms stack makes much more sense, as it will help you with fat loss, endurance, lean muscle gains, and strength. Steroid like results without the severe suppression and Side effects.

Here is a good protocol for you to follow from

1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 SR-9009 30mg per day (5mg dosed 6 times every 2-3 hours)


Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
I'm 27 years old. 12-13% bf. Ran one cycle before...last year. Got up to 230. That cycle ended in September. I started cutting and had an injury which screwed up my training. And was out of the gym for about 2 and half months. I'm not skinny haha. I've got muscle on me. Not a huge amount but it's a solid foundation!

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I'm 27 years old. 12-13% bf. Ran one cycle before...last year. Got up to 230. That cycle ended in September. I started cutting and had an injury which screwed up my training. And was out of the gym for about 2 and half months. I'm not skinny haha. I've got muscle on me. Not a huge amount but it's a solid foundation!

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6/5 270 here im not small but im not a monster either and bodyfat is under 10 percent

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Hope you are well and I appreciate you taking time to read and respond to my message. I’m 6’4” and currently exactly 200lbs and eating at a moderate calorie deficit of 2,400 calories a day (180g of protein, 240g of carbs, 80g of fat) and I’m getting great results leaning down. My strength is still pretty solid, slightly less that what it was at my heaviest (230lbs when on cycle). I’m ready to really kick it into high gear and get super lean and add back some size. Would you recommend just Test Cyp 300-600 mg/week, Primo 800mg/week, and Arimidex? I’ve thought about Tren, but the goal is too look amazing while still having incredible quality of life and feel great, so keeping sides to an absolute minimum is ideal. Let me know what you would recommend.

Most primo is fake, wish i could get my hands on it. It was arnolds favorite
Most primo is fake, wish i could get my hands on it. It was arnolds favorite

not all primo is fake, not at all... yes, there are many fakes out there but that is not 100% of it all... the sources on the site have some of the finest you will find
not all primo is fake, not at all... yes, there are many fakes out there but that is not 100% of it all... the sources on the site have some of the finest you will find

Good to know ive been going through online pharma but havent tried there primo expensive. Got tren enanthate from them great quality
I'm 27 years old. 12-13% bf. Ran one cycle before...last year. Got up to 230. That cycle ended in September. I started cutting and had an injury which screwed up my training. And was out of the gym for about 2 and half months. I'm not skinny haha. I've got muscle on me. Not a huge amount but it's a solid foundation!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It still doesn't change the fact that steroids aren't fat burners. I recommend going with the sarms stack for fat fat loss goals

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
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