
Search results

  1. M

    var or tbol

    Can't decide between the two.
  2. M


    That's a walk in the park lol. Why not bump the incline to 12 then that would be something.
  3. M


    Do 300 burpees in 20 mins.
  4. M


    Burpees bro. Killer cardio exercise. When I'm trying to cut body fat that's my go to.
  5. M


    Thanks man.
  6. M


    What's the best sarm to increase appetite?
  7. M

    sustanon question

    Can sustanon be injected once a week while cruising or does it need to be twice a week like test e. I know sustanon has the deconate ester which has an active life of 15 days. Just trying to keep levels as close as possible.
  8. M


    I've used super DMZ 2.0 and gained about 15lbs of lean muscle in 4 weeks but it is very harsh on the liver. Injectables are so much easier on you and produce the same gains.
  9. M

    Cycle log hipo sus and jw epi

    I was wondering because the us website I got my pH from don't sell them anymore.
  10. M

    Cycle log hipo sus and jw epi

    I thought they banned all pH.
  11. M

    2nd cycle advice.

    Im thinking of going with express domestic to/npp. Its 100/100. Can't find any reviews on it though. Have any off y'all had experience with it.
  12. M


    Thanks fellows. I was wandering if it was accounted for now I know.
  13. M


    I would hate to waste it lol.
  14. M


    After I do my pin there's always some left in the bulb at the end of the needle usually about 1 unit. I'm using nippro. Is there any other needles I could use?
  15. M

    new here

    Yea man I was on evo before I found out were all the good advice went to.
  16. M

    new here

    Thanks man. Ive came along way. Next cycle going to try to put a little more size on tho.
  17. M

    Gtformula's tren, deca, test, dbol log.

    Looking good man. Can't wait to try tren out.
  18. M

    Customer review

    How can I get product and pricelist
  19. M

    2nd cycle advice.

    Thanks Dylan
  20. M

    2nd cycle advice.

    The only thing gear is for is faster recovery. It repairs muslce at a faster rate but if you don't have the nutrients it renders that process.
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