what the real question should be is...what sarms are you taking? Manufacturer? cuz there is so much bunk ass sarms out there that you don't know what the hell you are really taking
listen bro until your really eating 6-8meals a day and nothings happening than you got a problem....first things first...eat your fucking ass off and hit the fucking gym...two years ago i was 145lbs, im around 215 right now and still pushing this shit...too many mother fuckers think a bowl of...
yeh i hear that...i was super stoked to start supplementing with GW after a read a recent post from Jake, but than onced i saw that stuff bout grain alcohol I had to figure something out.
yeh, I just went the safe route, plugged a ml and a half of npp and dropped the tren, use it on my next cycle. Anadrol will definitely compliment the NPP which I was already taking, so thats the new program
I get put in for early termination at the end of August. I had all my setup planned out for the next 6months cuz I'm running growth as well. So I'm just gonna put the back end of my program on the front if I can't find gw made without grain alcohol
I'm on parole and am really in need of supplementing with GW to counteract tren effect i.e. breathing. The only problem is that the solvent used to breakdown GW is Grain Alcohol. I have a perfect record with parole right now and about to be put in for early termination in a couple months, Grain...
just take your regular does you really ain't gonna get no extra push if you take it pre-workout oppossed to just taking it everyday at a regular time. Very few compounds act like the miracle instant push. I heard Tren base and TNE will give you a pre-workout push but I haven't had the experience...
dude being eager is the easiest way of getting scammed, my first cycle got fucked in the ass bought 450 dollars worth of product only to find out it would only last 5 weeks, its like a good hooker...the only ones still working the street aint worth the fuck, fucked up goods hahaha