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  1. K

    difference between subcutaneous testosterone and intramuscular

    cool.. thanks for the input guys. appreciate it.
  2. K

    difference between subcutaneous testosterone and intramuscular

    Mind you I am new to all this, but I read somewhere that the spike in testosterone is what causes estrogen conversion. So if you take all of your dose at one point in the week, then your body registers a high level of T, and then starts aromatizing it. So I thought taking two smaller doses would...
  3. K

    difference between subcutaneous testosterone and intramuscular

    OK - Thanks for the info guys. I use an allergy syringe that is 1 ML total I think, so I usually only inject 100 mg (I think)? Sorry, bad with the dosing lingo. In any case, it's a small TRT amount. Sounds like the gear is the same for sq and IM. So I think I'll try a subcutaneous injection...
  4. K

    difference between subcutaneous testosterone and intramuscular

    Hi Guys, Sorry, another newbie question. Is there a difference between subcutaneous testosterone and intramuscular testosterone, besides the area that you're injecting. I mean, is the gear the same? Thanks, G
  5. K

    PCT on TRT

    Ya, I guess I wasn't totally sure about that. So if you injected 50% of what your body normally produces, then wouldn't your body compensate for the other 50% by natural production?
  6. K

    PCT on TRT

    Hey guys, I apologize. I guess this is kind of a naive question, but if you're on TRT (just trying to supplement a natural level of T), do you need to run a PCT every once in awhile? My normal T is at 350. I have taken 100 MG of Testosterone enanthate a week. Thanks, G
  7. K

    Post Finasteride Syndrome

    Yes, I can't emphasize enough to not take propecia. I hate to be negative, but it has really ruined my life. It's a struggle each and every day. The fact that this drug is still legal, and doctors hand it out like candy sickens me. My opinion is that it should be more illegal than heroin or...
  8. K

    Post Finasteride Syndrome

    I have tried clomid before, and it did seem to have a positive effect. I could give it another run. I have noticed positive improvements since running Test and Masteron. Definitely a lot of improvements since I got PFS about 1 year ago. There were a lot of sides though, but I think they will...
  9. K

    Post Finasteride Syndrome

    OK, I was just watching a video about measuring body fat with calipers. I'm not sure how accurate this really is, but I measured a 2 inch pinch of fat a little to the right of my belly button and got 30 mm. I guess that falls into the average category on the chart. Average is probably a nice way...
  10. K

    Post Finasteride Syndrome

    Hey guys, Thanks for your answers. I'm actually not sure how much body fat % I have. I should look up how to measure that. I'm 33 years old, 5'10"-ish, and 185-190. I'm not sure how many pounds overweight I am, to tell the truth. I've never really been "skinny". When I was in my early 20s and...
  11. K

    Post Finasteride Syndrome

    Hey man, I have been watching a lot of your videos on youtube. You seem mad knowledgeable about all things steroids. I developed Post Finsateride Syndrome after taking propecia for about 15 years. A website called was created and a lot of discussion has been going on about taking...
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