


New member
Hey guys,

I apologize. I guess this is kind of a naive question, but if you're on TRT (just trying to supplement a natural level of T), do you need to run a PCT every once in awhile?

My normal T is at 350. I have taken 100 MG of Testosterone enanthate a week.

kellopgeorge said:
Hey guys,

I apologize. I guess this is kind of a naive question, but if you're on TRT (just trying to supplement a natural level of T), do you need to run a PCT every once in awhile?

My normal T is at 350. I have taken 100 MG of Testosterone enanthate a week.


No, it becomes redundant since an exogenous administration of testosterone shuts down your natural production. You cant recover while shutting yourself down. Which also confuses me on why you say you are supplementing your natural production with 100mg of test per week. You do realize you have no more natural production when you take test right?
kellopgeorge said:
Hey guys,

I apologize. I guess this is kind of a naive question, but if you're on TRT (just trying to supplement a natural level of T), do you need to run a PCT every once in awhile?

My normal T is at 350. I have taken 100 MG of Testosterone enanthate a week.


no, you do not need any sort of pct whatsoever when using trt... every 3-4 months you may want a 3-4 week blast of hcg at 1000 ius week but that's only a few times a year and you never want to overdo it... other than that, its not necessary...
Ya, I guess I wasn't totally sure about that.

So if you injected 50% of what your body normally produces, then wouldn't your body compensate for the other 50% by natural production?
kellopgeorge said:
Ya, I guess I wasn't totally sure about that.

So if you injected 50% of what your body normally produces, then wouldn't your body compensate for the other 50% by natural production?

TRT is testosterone replacement therapy. Key word is replacement. It completely replaces your natural production. Lol it would be nice to have a test supplementation therapy. But I'm pretty sure it doesn't exist. And k don't mean garbage test boosters lol.
kellopgeorge said:
Ya, I guess I wasn't totally sure about that.

So if you injected 50% of what your body normally produces, then wouldn't your body compensate for the other 50% by natural production?

No, that is completely incorrect. It doesn't work that way. When taking an exogenous form of testosterone, it shuts down your natural production completely, regardless of the amount or dose. Your body sees the testosterone in the body, and it quits making its own. Taking test suppresses LH and FSH which tells your body to make natural testosterone. That is what shutdown is
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