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  1. B


    Hey guys this is an awesome thread to follow. I've learned a lot. I'm about to start my first home brew I have no intention of selling and it would be easier and cheaper to just buy it. But I've been hooked on the idea of making my own for awhile now and figured fuck it im going to try it. I've...
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    DECA gyno

    Will do just ordered my blood work from privateMD labs If anybody is using them too the coupon code Healthy12 gets you around 10% off.
  3. B

    DECA gyno

    Thanks guys I've already ordered Caber and I'm going to get my blood done again tomorrow so I know for sure.
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    DECA gyno

    I'm running aromasin on the cruise cycle also, I dropped the dose down to 12.5 twice a week. I was wondering if it is a prolactin problem will taking Caber help since the cycle has been done for 5 weeks?
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    DECA gyno

    Thanks for the help.
  6. B

    DECA gyno

    Yeah have been for 5 weeks, planed on cruising for 12 then blasting again.
  7. B

    DECA gyno

    Should I go ahead and use the Caber or just wait it out?
  8. B

    DECA gyno

    No I didn't, But now I know I should have.
  9. B

    DECA gyno

    I've been blasting and cruising with test for over a year now my last blast of 20 weeks I added in 500 mg of DECA with 500 mg of test went up to 750 mg's for a while but dropped back down to 500 after watching Dylans videos. I started the cycle with arimidex but switched to aromasin half way...
  10. B

    New member

    New to the forum I'm 39 year old male 6'0 230 lbs. I'm not new to using gear but there's a lot I need to learn and found this site threw Dylan's YouTube channel. I'm looking forward to learning a lot and locating a reliable quality source.
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