This is a prescription for me. My Doctor explained that the thought behind giving an antibiotic for acne is that the cystic acne can often be caused by bacteria I'm not a doctor, although I'm premed as a biochemist, so I'm not going to pretend to know this stuff well....what I...
I know a lot of people look in to accutane as a means of combating acne. Accutane is certainly effective in doing so but it is also extremely harsh on your system. I went through a six month treatment of that way back in high school and it dried me out so much that I had to put Vaseline on my...
Definitely look at the SARMS route if you are going to do anything at all. If you were to add in TBOL you have to also take Test as a base. You cannot just take an oral AAS and use SARMS to then be your base. Like some of the other guys have already said, you're young. There is no need for...
Hey guys,
I typically will pin Test Cyp only once a week given it's half life but I was curious if any of you break up your dosing of it and pin twice a week and if so is there an advantage to doing so?
I am still waiting. Since pharmalady comes through China, they had a delay with the Chinese New Year. If it's been sitting in customs since the 5th though I would not be surprised if you will receive a customs seizure letter. I received my seizure letter pretty quickly though so it's...
The letter is kind of ridiculous. It basically states you can respond to the letter and state you want to abandon the package.......or just dont respond and they will destroy it in 30 yeah....the letter is getting shredded and I have a new address to have it shipped to
I received my seizure letter last night but Pharma Lady is phenomenal and is already working on resending the order. Our reps that are on this forum are great. Thanks to everyone!
Are there any of our domestic sources that don't have a minimum order amount in case I just need one item while I am waiting longer than expected for my international order?
Will the source (pharma lady) be notified of a seizure prior to the receiver obtaining a letter? Mine has been in customs since the 2nd which isn't too long but definitely more concerning than not.
If you're willing to shell out the money for a sarms stack then you should be willing to eat properly. Sarms and even AAS aren't magic. If you eat horribly you are going to be wasting your time. Get your diet in check before considering anything else and you'll be really happy that you did.
I'm fairly immune to most stimulants nowadays but 5% nutrition's 5150 has been by far my favorite and one that is genuinely a single scoop as opposed to C4 which quickly turns into 3-4 scoops per gym session