
Test Cypionate


New member
Hey guys,
I typically will pin Test Cyp only once a week given it's half life but I was curious if any of you break up your dosing of it and pin twice a week and if so is there an advantage to doing so?
Hey guys,
I typically will pin Test Cyp only once a week given it's half life but I was curious if any of you break up your dosing of it and pin twice a week and if so is there an advantage to doing so?

You will see various opins on this. You have to go by how you feel. When I used to pin it on Sundays, by friday I felt like I was empty. So for me I go twice per week and it seems to keep me on even keel.
i have never been big on once a week pinning and have never really followed any other protocol... thats the method i feel extremely stable on and have always had excellent results with it...
I pin three times a week now because I am running quite a few compounds, but twice a week during a cruise just to keep levels as stable as possible.
You will see various opins on this. You have to go by how you feel. When I used to pin it on Sundays, by friday I felt like I was empty. So for me I go twice per week and it seems to keep me on even keel.

That's what I was wondering. I have felt like I've been running thin leading up to my next pin. I will switch it up to twice a week.
I pin mine twice a week and my doc was the one that said to do it that way. I am on doc prescribed trt. He said by injecting twice a week it helps keep your test levels more constant instead of experiencing peaks and values.
I pin mine twice a week and my doc was the one that said to do it that way. I am on doc prescribed trt. He said by injecting twice a week it helps keep your test levels more constant instead of experiencing peaks and values.

Finally, a doc that knows something about trt. So much better than the docs wanted you to inject once every 2-3 weeks... quacks, I tell ya!
You will see various opins on this. You have to go by how you feel. When I used to pin it on Sundays, by friday I felt like I was empty. So for me I go twice per week and it seems to keep me on even keel.

Agreed. I feel best when splitting the dose twice a week.
Finally, a doc that knows something about trt. So much better than the docs wanted you to inject once every 2-3 weeks... quacks, I tell ya!

My doc is absolutely amazing. He runs a Mens health clinic and all he deals with is prescribing trt and managing the sides of patients that choose to run cycles and/or their own trt. It is by far the best doctor I have ever talked to about testosterone. He tells you right away up front that you have two choices, you can choose to take his prescription of trt or you can run whatever dose you want and get your own and he will manage the sides and do your bloodwork.
I am on 200mg Cyp a week on TRT. I pin Monday and Thursday. This way I don't feel like I have any "down" times.
Twice a week... Tuesday night and Saturday morning...

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