Prop 150mg eod, tren 100mg eod aromasin 12.5mg eod, caber .5 e3d. Gained 8lbs lean mass. Ended a week ago.
Week 1
Week 4.5-last shot of questionable tren
Week 7.5ish last shot of robo tren
Taking some time of to enjoy some holiday cooking and rest from overtime. Then back at it, and plan...
My first experience was the same, great communication, tracking number, fast delivery, safe packaging
Tren results of finishing 10ml was huge, HUGE. Strength, body composition, drive. Completely pleased beyond expected
Ya, I'm just giving you my experience and i hope yours if far better than what i experienced.
They're is definitely reputable labs here, and plenty of ppl her that vouch for them
I work construction so in the decent weather months i am really tight with my diet. But during the cold months and being that i don't work with heat in buildings i give easy a but cause i need a little fatty layer just for insulation and for my metabolism to use it to keep heat. When i know...
Welcome to the family
I use to use naps/ geneza. Personally i didn't really see much gains. Had my blood done before and after, I was not encouraged to buy gzafter that. i never felt any stronger, weight increase, stamina, fast burning. My wife tried their clenbuterol, she had a rock solid...
Awesome, i will have to look up how to start a account. Cause if i have it in my hands the Ole lady is going to want it. I'm tired of paying for a po box, have to get around that nonsense
Can you start with any amount or is there a mandatory deposit each time ex: i see a Bitcoin is worth @ $700 or something like that, you do have to make that deposit each time or you can make a $100 deposit in it anytime you set money aside?
22, your going to cause some irreversible damage to yourself. Let your natural testosterone do its thing. Get the diet spot on, or see a nutritionist to get you dialed in. Last thing at 22 should be steroids, seriously. Therr are other means to get gainz, just not this at your age
I'm loving how through this log is. Tweeking on the run, asking ledgit questions and learning along the way. Your doing great, stay motivated and hit those goals and beyond
I have been on trt since late 20s early 30ds. Doc prescribed 100mg test e eow. All my bloods are perfectly fine. Test was under 500 and in the high 8's. However i cruise at 250 test e every week, although i believe it's under dosed, and it's on the high 700s and low 11s. Again bloodshot came...