Hey dude,
Came across your videos after getting my bloods done as I've been feeling shit, low libido, brain fog etc.
Bloods came back with a free test of .256
And test of 7.26
So pretty low.
I wanted to ask you what TRT protocol would you say is the best to keep risks of cardiac issues as well as prorate health etc.
Test prop seems the best but it's no longer available in the U.K. For use of TRT.
Jay Campbell, the guy who wrote a book on TRT says go for sustanon but I'm not too sure.
Also been looking into sarms, what would you combine With TRT bearing in mind I've never taken anything before.
And could you give me an idea of hcg and ai etc?
I am a powerlifter so I wanna keep professing my total but at the same time I need to sort out my bodyfat as I am prob around the 30% mark.
Thanks for your help in advanc
Came across your videos after getting my bloods done as I've been feeling shit, low libido, brain fog etc.
Bloods came back with a free test of .256
And test of 7.26
So pretty low.
I wanted to ask you what TRT protocol would you say is the best to keep risks of cardiac issues as well as prorate health etc.
Test prop seems the best but it's no longer available in the U.K. For use of TRT.
Jay Campbell, the guy who wrote a book on TRT says go for sustanon but I'm not too sure.
Also been looking into sarms, what would you combine With TRT bearing in mind I've never taken anything before.
And could you give me an idea of hcg and ai etc?
I am a powerlifter so I wanna keep professing my total but at the same time I need to sort out my bodyfat as I am prob around the 30% mark.
Thanks for your help in advanc