due to some health conditions.... I do the same on the dosing... nothing wrong with that. most people can blast away right out the gate.. others like to slowly increase and even find there sweet spot.... I respond on low dosing as well... curious how your results will be 6 months from now.. good job
Run like a lgd/S4/rad140 SARM stack Bro! Thats where you'll get the best results... dbol will blow you up like a water balloon .. run that sarm stack with a proper diet and training and you'll get shredded size...
On technical terms here... the molecular weight of the power is so small.(different compounds/slightly different weight/size).. just say 1000mg... 1 gram... its like a teaspoon of powder... So when you get your sarms in capsule form.. in this big bottle and have, say 90 caps.... there is so much...
Want to do a S4 sarm cycle and I'm Intermittent Fasting 18 off 6 on. Been IF for about 6 weeks and seems like I have increased in strength and leaned out..I have no issues with sluggishness etc while IF. just making sure I can do both? Anybody have experience with doing both?
Yea... some take S4 up to 100mg a day and are not effected... others take it like yourself and have strong sides.... a lot of people take it 5 days on and 2 days off... also a lot of people start lower and creep up the dose to check their tolerance... But you certainly don't want to put your...
Most likely not going to do a lot.. 1/2 bottle of rad..that would be around 15 days of 10mg doses.Cut that in half at 5mg aday for 4 weeks, so it wouldn't do much under dosing like that. But it not going to hurt you either....
you should be grateful that you seemingly have recovered from a mistake of taking a pro hormone being how young you are. And now you want to gamble and try again... Bro, at your age your test level should be 1200 or so... you have the hormone naturally ALREADY.... So eat well, sleep well and...