I absolutely love the profile of Orange Triad and how reasonably priced it is. I have found the best deal on Myogenix at $30.00 however, for only lasting you 22 days, don't see if it truly is worth purchasing. I wanted to use it for more organ and overall health support during my upcoming run of...
I'm using Hydro Whey Mint Chocolate by Optimum and honestly the taste sucks, don't like the consistency and too watery. Even with making it thicker just not a great tasting protein. Elite 100 Gourmet Chocolate is pretty good.
Curious to hear your guys' thoughts on domestic vs. international sources of AAS. I used to trust an international source but was always leery of US Customs and I used international due to the cheaper cost of gear. At least 10 years ago I only knew of one domestic source and his prices were...
Snickerdoodle by PES is hard to beat, I'll have to look at the price comparison of NTBM's protein. So is Quest protein legit, many tell me to steer clear of their protein bars because their fiber ingredient is actually sugar to other countries besides the US. I wonder if ISS Oh Yeah protein...
I might be one of the vey few on this site that fully support Prohormone use. Yes, they are more liver toxic and are quite dangerous. However, the major advantage of PH's in my opinion is you know exactly what you are putting in your body compared to dealing with blackmarket gear. I'm extremely...
Would like to get recommended a workout program that is very effective for those running AAS. I've been running Mountain Dog Training with much success but would love a different program to try to get as much out of the AAS cycle as possible. I want to keep up my cardio 3-4x a week and don't...
This program has absolutely blown me up and I love the workout variations. Nothing has blown my back and shoulders up quite like this program. I'm I competition mode right now and love these workouts. Love to hear some testimony from you guys if you've ever tried his program.
Nothing has made me have hunger pains quite like my latest run of MK677. That stuff is ridiculous on increasing hunger, hell my blood sugar would run low sometimes on it and I'm in the middle of a competition prep so not a great idea I found out to run it. Thinking more on it about Eq, I might...
Yeah bro and I was really looking forward to using a British Dragon product but over the years I've heard of horror stories with British Dragon either underdosing their products or just putting other oils to make bunk crap. Really didn't think on my third purchase from this source he would scam...
What are your guys' thoughts on best tasting protein product you swear by? I have touched a few proteins in my life and hands-down the best tasting for me is PES Select Snickerdoodle Protein. Great macro profile and the taste is insane. Have had a lot of guys try it and love it. I'm trying...
First off don't ever pay for HCGenerate ES, like Dylan mentioned they inflate their pricing insanely high for an ingredient profile that I would admit is very legitimate. I've ran their HCGenerate before and really liked it however estrogen got crazy high on it. I know some of you might...
Either of you guys run Stim-based pre-workouts while on an AAS cycle? I avoid stim's due to mild adrenal fatigue from just over exhausting my body but have slowly re-built my adrenals back up with Vitamin C, B vitamins, Pantothenic Acid and eating quality food. Was considering running PES'...
Well drb_iac, I'll tell you my first hand experience with Deca and why I'm on TRT for life. I purchased from China (IP) Animal Vet Deca (ran at 400mg/wk) and BD Sustanon (ran at 500mg/wk). I got every Deca side known to man, even with Caber I couldn't get the sides down. Bloat was terrible, rage...
Curious to hear from you guys if you consider Eq a lean mass gainer or wet bulker? I was considering using it in the future with my TRT dose of Test Cyp per week (200mg/week) if it seems to be more about lean mass gains vs. wet/aromatizing compound. I do hear average doses of the stuff is around...
Appreciate the advice guys. S4 really does intrigue me, I've ran Winstrol before and it tore up my joints something fierce. Strength gains were ridiculous but I felt like I had arthritis coming off. I'll try out the S4 just to see if it gives me hard earned gains while keeping me lean. For...