Curious to hear from you guys if you consider Eq a lean mass gainer or wet bulker? I was considering using it in the future with my TRT dose of Test Cyp per week (200mg/week) if it seems to be more about lean mass gains vs. wet/aromatizing compound. I do hear average doses of the stuff is around 400mg/wk, I might go down on that dose to keep water retention low. I will avoid at all costs wet compounds (Anadrol, Deca, Sustanon, high dose Test) even as a hardgainer because you lose the gains so damn fast coming off even with proper PCT. Besides, my body didn't handle Deca worth a damn and I won't ever use that stuff again. Even Test at 500mg/wk for my body contributed to high water retention and upon coming off I lost almost all my gains on a 10-12 weeker. I do hear while on Eq you eat like a freakin' horse, no pun intended.