That is very good info about 191 vs 192. I had no idea about that! This is why I like coming here. :)
Also, with generics, starting at 1IU and ramping up slowly (1 extra IU every 3 weeks or so) is a good idea because it reduces the chance of experiencing the symptoms of carpal tunnel (you...
I am running test at 500mg a week and generic HGH at 2IUs a day (split into two 1IU doses). After 1 month, my IGF levels were tested and went from 99 to 284 (normal range is 67 - 205). My skin looks better, my nails are stronger and growing faster (not sure if that is a plus for a guy - lol)...
You will surely feel the sting of it injecting, and possibly some PIP the next day. It kicks in for me in about 30 minutes - and the first time it does you KNOW it kicked in!
I have to be honest - I peed myself a little in excitement when I read the list and saw the pron. :)
I love logs, following along. I have been on Eurotropin HGH for about 2 months now (almost) at 2IU a day (one 1IU shots in the AM and 1 in the PM). My IGF scores jumped up pretty good from...
Definitely only ever buy in liquid form. No reputable SARMs company will ever sell in pill or capsule form. Pills and Capsules imply human consumption - and SARMs are NOT legal for human consumption. No reputable seller will risk being shut down by the Feds by selling pills or capsules. So...
I did a log of the V3 Forma Stanzol (latest version) and it did nothing for my E2 levels on a bulk (600mg test a week). My E2 hit into the 280s while taking it. Quickly dropped that with some Letro (research liquid form). I used the recommended dosing. It DID cause me to shed water so I...
If you are taking real Ostarine (MK2866), then it is barely suppressive. You most likely do not need any PCT at all. But if you want total assurance, run the Clomid like you mentioned above.
One of the big reasons why everyone is so up in arms about pill or capsule forms of SARMs is that...