So I decided to log progress or lack there of for speed and distance days my stats are
11% bf
30 yrs old
My first day taking GW was Saturday when I received it in the mail and I immediately took my dosage even though I had already ran 7 miles that day Sunday was recovery day and I just took the dose in the morning Monday however was my track speed work day
Speed work 6 1/4 miles quarter mile sprints before my long runs
All of my training is done in heart rate zones first
1 - 1:25 quarter mile
2 - 1:22
3 - 1:19
4 - 1:27
5 - 1:23
6 - 1:15
Max heart rate achieved was 178 my max being approximately 190 so was I going full throttle ? Ehh hard to say the heart rate monitors is 100% but before each sprint I achieved a resting heart rate of 105 within a minute so if this is a base and the GW had not kicked in yet these numbers should get better let's hope after speed work I ran for 2 hours at a 145 heart rate
11% bf
30 yrs old
My first day taking GW was Saturday when I received it in the mail and I immediately took my dosage even though I had already ran 7 miles that day Sunday was recovery day and I just took the dose in the morning Monday however was my track speed work day
Speed work 6 1/4 miles quarter mile sprints before my long runs
All of my training is done in heart rate zones first
1 - 1:25 quarter mile
2 - 1:22
3 - 1:19
4 - 1:27
5 - 1:23
6 - 1:15
Max heart rate achieved was 178 my max being approximately 190 so was I going full throttle ? Ehh hard to say the heart rate monitors is 100% but before each sprint I achieved a resting heart rate of 105 within a minute so if this is a base and the GW had not kicked in yet these numbers should get better let's hope after speed work I ran for 2 hours at a 145 heart rate