I am currently on IIFYM dieting. Calorie deficit. 45P/40C/15F. And I do interval cardio 3 times a week after my workouts. 20 sec 7mph, 40 sec 3mph about 10 times makes up 10 mins of this. Plus, 5 mins warm up and 5 mins cool down. So 20 mins high intensity cardio. Dieting is the key thing to fat...
Thanks for the input. My main goal is burn fat as much as possible during 4 months. I would like to see my abs after a looong time :D I took the first doses of S4 and Osta in the morning. S4 doesn't tastes that bad but Osta tastes just like a cheap vodka lol I had to take sip of water after the...
I can't add SR9009 to this stack but maybe I can try that in my second stack :) The other source I got S4 and GW from is probably the oldest source that I found the most information from. Since this is my first stack, I decided to start with them although they are little bit expensive :D
Hello everyone,
This will be my first SARMs cycle. After a month of searching about SARMs, I decided to run a cutting stack for 12 weeks as I stated in the Title. I will do a PCT with GW and Clomid. So the time frame for this stack will be 16 weeks long. Since there are many newbies(like me)...
Yeah I will find it out soon. My stack is on its way :D but I will stick in 50mg ed of S4 for at least 3 weeks. I am a full time student, I need those colors during the day badly lol So I will try to avoid the side...
No problem man. I was thinking very suspicious about sarmsx since I am a newbie and I made a research for about a month. I ended up ordering some parts of my stacks from sarmsx and the other parts from somewhere else(where I found more information about). I hope sarmsx will meet the quality. If...
No problem. I usually check my spam folder due to these kind of situations I had in the past. Yes It may be worth mentioning. Make sure to mark those e-mails safe. So that next time it comes directly to your inbox.
OH SHIT! I forgot to tell you that I received both e-mails at the JUNK section first. That might be the issue on you. Check your JUNK e-mails and make sure to mark them safe.
No problem man anytime. As soon as I placed my order, I received a confirmation e-mail with order number and another e-mail saying that "thank you for registering" because of it was my first time. And the confirmation e-mail including a link to check order status when you click to that link, it...
Hey man, I placed my order yesterday on sarmsx. It was showing me that the order was pending and there was no charge at that time. Today, I received another e-mail saying that it's been processing and I saw the charge on my credit card. So I am guessing they will complete the process by tonight...
Thanks again! I will figure out how should I start the cycle etc before ordering. I am planning to start dosing S4 slowly up to 50mg/ed and 12 weeks will be a long way to go :)
If I have a vision side, should I decrease my dosing to around 40mg/ed or S4 cycle? like 5 days on 2 days off or 6...