The most they’ll test for are elevated testosterone levels and only if they have a really good reason to do so, like you are the primary PR agent of a say no against drugs company and look like you are heavily juiced.
I’ve tried a wide range, mostly to see what the max was and because I benefited from the mental side effects (I had low dopamine levels so Tren balanced my neurotransmitters).
These are recommended ranges to minimize side effects:
Bulking: Testosterone equal to or greater than Tren, no higher...
Higher doses + fat = more fat in most cases. Testosterone increases metabolism but increasing the dose is more likely to increase body fat if you have excess fat, particularly around the gut.
I recently tried yohimbine and Albuterol together, and I’m swearing off stimulants except for those moments of sleep deprivation and driving where I might use caffeine. I discovered my max heart rate (207) and it was NOT pleasant.