Hello brothers, I wanted to educate myself based on YOUR personal usage of the PED Trenbolone and what Dosages can you compare and contrast with?
I have been interested in taking Tren but refuse too until I am thoroughly educated on the compound like the back of my hand. My question is in regards to Dosages; in the evidence supplied anecdotally and scientifically on the harshness and severity of this drug I opted to NEVER go above 375mg of Tren E, but before even considering 375mg I would like to ask you brothers.
What is the significant difference YOU HAVE NOTICED positively in the various dosages of Trenbolone?
From 200mg and Below too 400mg and above what have you noticed in a positive beneficial way? How do they compare?
Would low dose Tren be sufficient enough? Is anything above 400mg really a gamechanger or is it just increasing the side effect profile? IMO more isnt always better but i dont know.
I have been interested in taking Tren but refuse too until I am thoroughly educated on the compound like the back of my hand. My question is in regards to Dosages; in the evidence supplied anecdotally and scientifically on the harshness and severity of this drug I opted to NEVER go above 375mg of Tren E, but before even considering 375mg I would like to ask you brothers.
What is the significant difference YOU HAVE NOTICED positively in the various dosages of Trenbolone?
From 200mg and Below too 400mg and above what have you noticed in a positive beneficial way? How do they compare?
Would low dose Tren be sufficient enough? Is anything above 400mg really a gamechanger or is it just increasing the side effect profile? IMO more isnt always better but i dont know.