At that age your peaking naturally. I dont advise using aas or orals at that age dude. You can hinder your natural growth and it will mess you up i. The long run.. Just eat a bunch dude.. You dont wanna end up like Benjamin button. Study up get the basics down .. But like dylan said Eat a ton...
Im pro military i say do it... Itl be a great experience and great incentives... And you can say your part of the greatest nations military.. Excule out finanial crises haha
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GotcchA. And not really a tren user my first go. But ill stick with twice a week for now just to be safe and if i can handle ill add another cc thank you.
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Hey phurious is tren storm 3 times a week overboard at 250mg/ml/1cc for a total of 750?
If you dont mind caN you pm me the mixxed esters and how much of each?
I started two pins already but thinking about adding a third a week.
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Not to kill but i know the hype been going on about deca... But whats it do? Is it a bulker or cutting? Dry or wet gains? Not quite sure i know its properties.. How does it compare to others.. I should just go research hahaha
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