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  1. S

    Critique on Next Run

    Thanks Dylan. Ws considering Bold Cyp, because of the faster effect with lowered dose. But will scratch the bold, acting slow with Tren because of sides, but will increase slowly. I know I shouldn't mix the two esters, but if need be can I pin the Tren A, with the rest. I knew there was...
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    Critique on Next Run

    Hey Guys, Just planning next run, any opinions will never be neglected. This would be a cut run. Therefore 48 yrs , 200lb, @ 12 % BF. PLANNING...... 200-300 Test Cyp, 400-500 Mast E, 150 Tren A, Bold Cyp 200-400 ( really not sure of Dosage, subbing for EQ). Win finisher @50...
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    RoboMass and Robocyp

    Hey Jack looks like a great cycle. so your bold cyp is at 325 ? And how's the pip.
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    MY upcoming cycle... Any adivce?

    Nice, cycle looked completely impressive .I'm just curious to see how your completed stats were.BF %& weight gain
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    Robo Spring Cycle

    Hey Buddha just checked your progress .Seems like you're enjoying this cycle. I plan to do something similar in June but including Tren. Keep in up, I'm following..
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    It’s time to shred (critique my sarms plan)

    That's great. Sounds like a decent plan, but if you're cutting . You should lower the weight & raise the amount of reps. Plus why are you waiting to implement the sr9009 , I'd start it right of the start. I'm not sure how you are., with caffeine, but for me an ECA stack in the am,gives a great...
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    Svanimost update after transformation

    Thanks, it's good to be back
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    Svanimost update after transformation

    Hello Svanimost Here, Its been a while from my last post, due to a severe surgery regarding a HS athletic injury. Here are some preop photos, From a run after the transformation contest. Test, Deca. EQ. Jumpstart Tbol & Winny finisher. Weight gain was 25 lbs. Start weight 175 & end was...
  9. S

    RickRock's winter BLAST/ORGAN ST log!!

    Great log RR , in for the following of the high. Mg of Deca. Seems like a good mix with the Nandrolones. Good Luck !!
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    CC's Next Level Log

    Great job cc , it's been while .I had another big orthopedic surgery right after cycle. Put 5 weeks out, but had a good cycle also.. Throw me a shout
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    CC's Next Level Log

    Sorry CC, just saw your loss. Keep the faith & know that I will keep you & your family in my prayers .
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    Titan update! Plz read

    My prayers are with him & family.
  13. S

    NM Recomp Log

    Excellent NM good to hear your still with it. Will follow for sure !!
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    Advanced users opinion needed for this cycle

    Sorry buddy , but I totally agree with this response to your inquiry. With that BF level , adding any compound, youre asking for trouble. Your diet needs to be fixed, & adding cardio will only help your situation. For CLEN , it's a NO . It's a very nasty & toxic additive to any diet. If you...
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    Great job, stay positive & all will go your way.
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    Transformation Pic

    Great job Dangans. I think I might do the same cruise 150 / 200 PR if im right ? Seems to be a good preservation method !!
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    CC's Next Level Log

    Good week 9 , getting a lot vascular & gained around 8- 10. Win next week ? Strength is very steady !!YOU ?
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    Surgery This Morning...

    Good Luck , DG. . I'm sure youll do fine. Speedy recovery !!
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    CC's Next Level Log

    Nice looking great CC, I totally agree with you regarding the high reps at this point. Today was a chest day today & my average reps was 12-15 with around 10-12 sets !!!!
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    Intermittent fasting facts and fiction explained: by RickRock

    Great , thanks Rick. I'm halfway through one now & going to implement If in. Just need to be careful not to increase my caloric intake too fast ! It just seems too easy increasing with IF rather than the 2-3 hr meal timing.
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