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  1. bel3303

    Liver protection while taking pct?

    It kind off rised a question for me too now, I wouldn't ask but I didn't find exact answer.. I actually do have Cel cycle assist, I purchased and have been saving it for later on, dbol when I'll get to it... Right now I'm inside my first Test.e only cycle, everything is going superb. Kinda was...
  2. bel3303

    Sugar Cravings

    In the days when I'm having a "sweet-tooth" and it's going bad, sometimes a little bit of good quality ice-cream right after workout does the trick for me... Eases the carving +a little glycogen replenishment..
  3. bel3303

    Sources in UK

    Will do,tnx
  4. bel3303

    Sources in UK

    Hello, So far I've got my injectables off mates hands from my gym, pct stuff and AI. But he won't be always there as I'm planning to move away some day in a future. As for AI - I've got Arimidex for following cycle as it is more popular and easier to get around here, but as we all know Aromasin...
  5. bel3303

    first cycle coming

    Is there a possibility of hammering estrogen level down too low? As some articles preach that we do need estrogen for our body functions, muscle growth, joints etc..
  6. bel3303

    first cycle coming

    I made the changes in my MSexcel table. Does it look correct? Any comments?
  7. bel3303

    first cycle coming

    Dylan, 4 last weeks while cycle still on - and finishing along with last Test inj. to give the system 14 days of clearense - would that be correct? Gosh I've spent nearly 5-6 hours of todays reading extended discussion on hcg. My eyes are almost bleeding. I red more about Pituitary. As HCG...
  8. bel3303

    first cycle coming

    Tnx mate, I will take some time to digest the information. Do few more digging through research on specifics bits left to undarstand. About Proviron as sides I rememmber ppl mentioning need of monitoring high blood presure and hair loss, DHT factor. I will have more depth conversation with the...
  9. bel3303

    first cycle coming

    I absorbed the info it being suppresive and red about aromasin being a suicide AI, and diferences between popular choices. I stated my reason of choice in previos post. If at some point in my futher experience I would have chance to get Aromasin, my choice would go with it, sure, I like the...
  10. bel3303

    first cycle coming

    Hi Dylan, first of all Happy NewYear to you and everyone here! Back to topic -NO MAN! We are talking about different thing here! My issue is not a desire to use it in pct, NO WAY!! There is some missunderstanding. I wonder if I could attach a picture with post here with my schedule table I drew...
  11. bel3303

    first cycle coming

    p.s. One of several sources about HCG, discussed doing it with the cycle, in this forum post nr. #4 Your thoughts?
  12. bel3303

    first cycle coming

    Hi, tnx for advice. There are so meny opinions on every bit, it makes much confusion. About cycle planing - I am focusing ONLY on my first Test cycle. Why I have more stuff is diferent story then you talk about - I had a chance to come across a men, who supports/deals with profesional...
  13. bel3303

    first cycle coming

    Hi, First cycle - 12 week Test only pct I'll have both Clomid and Nolva, moderate 4 weeks. Trough cycle I will have Arimidex on hand, not gonna use it if not needed as I need to see how prone I am to gyno. I hear it to be often used practice on first cycle to get to know your self. I will have...
  14. bel3303

    first cycle coming

    Hi Dylan! I almost got all suff, still waiting for few bits for pct. I'm planing two cycles for the next year: first one will be 12 week test only, 500mg a week, split in to shots 250mg... second will be 12 week test with 10week deca and dbol first 4 weeks as a kickstart. test 500, deca 300...
  15. bel3303

    cycle plan

    I'm planing my first two cycles. First one is still in process whether just Test only or kickstart with Dbol. And for second cycle I decided to be a Deca guy. I'm not aiming to be mutant monster, do hard Tren etc. but I feel I have that edge to take my self a little higher. I'm 32, been training...
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