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  1. hgregNM

    New to SARMS - Help!

    Easier said than done! Lol! How do I do that?
  2. hgregNM

    New to SARMS - Help!

    Added you as a friend. Need some advice, but not on a Public Forum.
  3. hgregNM

    New to SARMS - Help!

    I think they may have honestly made me sick. In the trash they go. Being that they took my money I will have to wait to order until I get paid. But sarmssx it will be! Thanks again for your help!
  4. hgregNM

    New to SARMS - Help!

    Yikes. Okay. Who do you recommend? JK.
  5. hgregNM

    New to SARMS - Help!

  6. hgregNM

    New to SARMS - Help!

    I am finding that I feel somewhat groggy after taking my dose. Not sure if it’s the s4 or the GW. Have you ever heard of either one of these causing this?
  7. hgregNM

    New to SARMS - Help!

    Thanks again!!!!!!!!
  8. hgregNM

    New to SARMS - Help!

    Omg yes! ....
  9. hgregNM

    New to SARMS - Help!

    Bomb diggity!!!!! Again, Thank you so much! P.S. I almost put it under my tongue. Lol!
  10. hgregNM

    New to SARMS - Help!

    Well - I already screwed up! I took the GW 15 minutes ago not realizing I should’ve waited until tomorrow AM. Should I skip taking it tomorrow in the evening so that I can begin in the AM on Tuesday before the Gym?
  11. hgregNM

    New to SARMS - Help!

    Perfect!!! ....and “down the hatch” as far as administering goes! I just watched you on YouTube and had no idea you were the one helping me! I feel even more confident now than before! Thank you again!
  12. hgregNM

    New to SARMS - Help!

    Thank you so much!!!!! One more quick question, does it matter when I dose? And can I do the GW and my first SR at the same time?
  13. hgregNM

    New to SARMS - Help!

    Good Lord. Okay. 😂 Thank you! I knew I needed some guidance. Okay —— Being that my bottles arrived sans a dropper, I’m guessing I can get one at Walgreen’s and judging from your response I will be measuring in mgs?
  14. hgregNM

    New to SARMS - Help!

    I am a 45 year old Woman and just received my first bottles of GW and S4. On the bottle of GW it reads 20 MG/ML and then off to the side 30 ML. On the bottle of S4 it reads 50 MG/ML and off to the side 30 ML. I have done some reading and from my understanding I have a 30 day supply of each. Also...
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