
New to SARMS - Help!


New member
I am a 45 year old Woman and just received my first bottles of GW and S4. On the bottle of GW it reads 20 MG/ML and then off to the side 30 ML. On the bottle of S4 it reads 50 MG/ML and off to the side 30 ML. I have done some reading and from my understanding I have a 30 day supply of each. Also I am to take 1ML a day of each. The GW should be broken down into two doses at 12 hours apart, the S4 1ML should be taken all at once at the same time every day. Is this correct? I’ve read I should take the GW an hour before I work out. I usually don’t go to the gym until 11 AM, so I would be taking it at 10 AM, my next dose would not be until 10 PM . Will either one of these SARMS affect my sleep? Is there a preferred time of the day they should be administered? If all of the above is completely in accurate I would appreciate any help or advice because I am just trying to get this right.
no you have it all wrong... gw is not split and it really makes no difference if you take it near your workout or not... s4 is taken in split doses... once in the a.m. and once 4-6 hours later, 25 mg each dose... i would take them both in the morning...

1-12 GW-501516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day dosed once a day 30 minutes prior to workout or a.m.
1-12 S4 (ANDARINE) 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
no you have it all wrong... gw is not split and it really makes no difference if you take it near your workout or not... s4 is taken in split doses... once in the a.m. and once 4-6 hours later, 25 mg each dose... i would take them both in the morning...

1-12 GW-501516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day dosed once a day 30 minutes prior to workout or a.m.
1-12 S4 (ANDARINE) 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.

Good Lord. Okay. 😂 Thank you! I knew I needed some guidance. Okay —— Being that my bottles arrived sans a dropper, I’m guessing I can get one at Walgreen’s and judging from your response I will be measuring in mgs?
Good Lord. Okay.  Thank you! I knew I needed some guidance. Okay —— Being that my bottles arrived sans a dropper, I’m guessing I can get one at Walgreen’s and judging from your response I will be measuring in mgs?
yes but its simple... 1 full dropper is 1 ML.. so 1 full dropper is what you need from gw and 1/2 a dropper each time from s4...
yes but its simple... 1 full dropper is 1 ML.. so 1 full dropper is what you need from gw and 1/2 a dropper each time from s4...

Thank you so much!!!!! One more quick question, does it matter when I dose? And can I do the GW and my first SR at the same time?
Thank you so much!!!!! One more quick question, does it matter when I dose? And can I do the GW and my first SR at the same time?

The time does not matter just make sure you stick to the same time each day with the GW, and you are fine to take your dose of SR at the same time
Thank you so much!!!!! One more quick question, does it matter when I dose? And can I do the GW and my first SR at the same time?

Yes thats fine

Perfect!!! ....and “down the hatch” as far as administering goes! I just watched you on YouTube and had no idea you were the one helping me! I feel even more confident now than before! Thank you again!
The time does not matter just make sure you stick to the same time each day with the GW, and you are fine to take your dose of SR at the same time

Well - I already screwed up! I took the GW 15 minutes ago not realizing I should’ve waited until tomorrow AM. Should I skip taking it tomorrow in the evening so that I can begin in the AM on Tuesday before the Gym?
Well - I already screwed up! I took the GW 15 minutes ago not realizing I should’ve waited until tomorrow AM. Should I skip taking it tomorrow in the evening so that I can begin in the AM on Tuesday before the Gym?
no you are fine... you can just dose it in the morning tomorrow and stay consistent from them on out!
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