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  1. D

    recomping advice needed

    hey dylan, can you please point me towards a recomping stack of ONLY anabolics. currently on trt dose of test (i was prescribed it about 2 years ago) and 25mcg of T3 23,176cm,lifting 8 years, have done winstrol and a 6 weeks of tren at 200mg my current cutting macros are at 1800, where do i...
  2. D

    hey guys self administered TRT

    hey dyl, didnt see you wrote back. i ended up getting MK677 and GW 501516... i understand that you guys dont like caps and thats fine, but thats all i can get my hands on since shipping sarmsX is very pricey. anyway onto another question. thoughts on superdrol on a recomp after i finish...
  3. D

    hey guys self administered TRT

    i have decided 12 week cut, sitting at maitience right now 2600 calories will drop down to around 2200 cardio 4 days a week 20-30mins of 3mph weights 4 times a week will start taking winny at 50mg a week at week 6-12. also looking at getting my hands on GW 501516 (i think it is) would...
  4. D

    hey guys self administered TRT

    thought i might have been onto something lol damn!! i should have expanded on it, does it stick around or is it just water that is been pulled from subQ so you look "dryer" and fuller?
  5. D

    hey guys self administered TRT

    ok so my cutting stack will be week 1-12 test 200 per week 100mg every tuesday,thursday .25mg of adex sunday,thursday week 6-12 winstrol at 25mg (or might end up buying more and run it at 50mg) has anybody used Albuterol? i see that its alot better then clen and alot safer. i seen running it...
  6. D

    Feedback and Suggestions on my diet

    ive been having fruit loops *think lucky charms* before bed :D im so fucking sick of eating so much food.. anybody want some of my macros..? im on 4700 calories at 173lb
  7. D

    hey guys self administered TRT

    Tbol isnt the easiest to get over here, it hasnt been in the country for a very long time. but Winstol,dbol,abombs are the easist to get here.
  8. D

    hey guys self administered TRT

    hey dyl, been talking to my fella. am i able to use winny on a bulk? what sorta gains would i see? best liver and other organ protects around ? 6 weeks at 25mg enough or would you buy that bit extra and run it at 4 weeks 50mg? im not really into looking at sarms, since its going to cost me...
  9. D

    Messed up with steroids

    go to your doctor, and get bloods. before you do anything. you might be able to get legit TRT, then stack them with sarms and you will be loving life!!
  10. D

    hey guys self administered TRT

    its brilliant that you guys have that mindset, ive been a member on enormous forums and never seen the admins so active!! i did 150ml of test, i think it was a little bit more then that maybe 165? but anyway are you able to do a possible video on PIP ( post injection pain ) and how to...
  11. D

    hey guys self administered TRT

    it seems the admin/the vets actually are helpful, instead of the drabs coming in not reading the whole thread, and commenting.. thanks alot guys :):)
  12. D

    hey guys self administered TRT

    i have a visible 4 pack when flexed, so im sitting at around 12ish% id like to keep it to either just an oral or another injectable compound but yes that would be very helpful thank you dylan not 100% confident importing sarms since they are a banned substance here
  13. D

    hey guys self administered TRT

    i dont know what injectable *cutting* drugs there is besides tren, and im staying farrr away from tren eq and primo need to be run at 6-800mg i wouldnt call them " low dose"
  14. D

    hey guys self administered TRT

    as i said, im doing test as the base at 150ml at week. and adding an oral on top of that for cutting. oral cycles are just fucking absurd and silly. that came out wrong. i meant is winny or var cheaper* i think Tbol with test will be the stack for my cut. my SHBG was high when i last had...
  15. D

    hey guys self administered TRT

    all good man, as we spoke i am staying on a trt dose, or test. 150ml as you said. im not coming off. never would i run an only oral! @buddah if you have nothing constructive to say. please dont say it simple.
  16. D

    hey guys self administered TRT

    thanks dyl!! that made me crazily motivated at 7:20am wants me to go work out on a non training day!! have you found turinabol to be very expensive or would you suggest a cheaper winny or var? EQ needs to be run around 600-800mg a week? id much prefer an oral.. just the simplicity of been...
  17. D

    hey guys self administered TRT

    well thats what i would LOVE to do really. is recomp, you have the goal physique man!! big and HARD AS NAILS!! dont think id ever do tren... that shit looks scary as fuck!!
  18. D

    hey guys self administered TRT

    i got a price, and felt my back pocket on fire, eq and primo are WAYYYY highly priced!! i dont want the liver toxicity but the EQ and primo are killer!! i seen dylans thoughts on Tbol (turinabol) he said he likes it :)
  19. D

    hey guys self administered TRT

    just thought i would ask here insted of starting a new post. is there any benefit when cutting to run EQ or prima at LOW doses or is it just useless around 200mg a week? it seems people are saying a low dose is 600mg a week... and i dont really want to run it that high, i understand these are...
  20. D

    hey guys self administered TRT

    250ml test E only shooting once a week
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