
hey guys self administered TRT


You are 23 years old and you want to self administer TRT
Bro... you have no clue to the can of worms you are opening up
You do not have the proper medical training and knowledge to evaluate your symptoms
You have no clue IF TRT is even needed
Go see a qualified endocrinologist to be properly evaluated
TRT and the PERMANENT shut down of your natural testosterone production and altering your complete hormone system is nothing to fuck around with

....I mean...............
all good man, as we spoke i am staying on a trt dose, or test. 150ml as you said. im not coming off.

never would i run an only oral!

@buddah if you have nothing constructive to say. please dont say it simple.
There are no words.....

all good man, as we spoke i am staying on a trt dose, or test. 150ml as you said. im not coming off.

never would i run an only oral!

@buddah if you have nothing constructive to say. please dont say it simple.
thanks dyl!! that made me crazily motivated at 7:20am wants me to go work out on a non training day!!

have you found turinabol to be very expensive or would you suggest a cheaper winny or var? EQ needs to be run around 600-800mg a week?

id much prefer an oral.. just the simplicity of been able to pop it every morning/ split dosage during the day insted of injections once a week is enough for me!!

TBOL is mid priced. not expensive but not super cheap either. Anavar is more expensive then TBOL dude, I don't know what you mean "cheaper" Var. and TBOL destroys Anavar any day...Winny is about same price as TBOL maybe a little cheaper depends where you get it from. yes EQ needs to be ran higher then other AAS.

orals aren't taken without TEST as a base. cant just do oral by itself.
as i said, im doing test as the base at 150ml at week. and adding an oral on top of that for cutting. oral cycles are just fucking absurd and silly.

that came out wrong. i meant is winny or var cheaper*

i think Tbol with test will be the stack for my cut.

my SHBG was high when i last had it tested i seen that it may have the effect of lowering it, will that also up oestrogen
so, did you even get an opinion from an endocrinologist? 23 yrs old, on trt good luck brotha. trt is like a last fkn resort thing.
as i said, im doing test as the base at 150ml at week. and adding an oral on top of that for cutting. oral cycles are just fucking absurd and silly.

that came out wrong. i meant is winny or var cheaper*

i think Tbol with test will be the stack for my cut.

my SHBG was high when i last had it tested i seen that it may have the effect of lowering it, will that also up oestrogen

winny is cheaper then VAR.

cutting on a low dose injectable would be better then using an Oral.
i dont know what injectable *cutting* drugs there is besides tren, and im staying farrr away from tren eq and primo need to be run at 6-800mg i wouldnt call them " low dose"
primo and eq definitely need to be ran higher but they are also far more mild... winstrol vs. anavar is a fucking major joke... not only is winstrol cheaper but its a million times more effective... anavar is a laughing stock... fucking joke
i have a visible 4 pack when flexed, so im sitting at around 12ish%

id like to keep it to either just an oral or another injectable compound but yes that would be very helpful thank you dylan

not 100% confident importing sarms since they are a banned substance here
i have a visible 4 pack when flexed, so im sitting at around 12ish%

id like to keep it to either just an oral or another injectable compound but yes that would be very helpful thank you dylan

not 100% confident importing sarms since they are a banned substance here

okay, here is what to do...

1-12 test cyp 250 mg week
1-12 aromasin 12.5 mg eod
1-12 rad140 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout and non workout days, all at once in the a.m.
7-12 winstrol 50 mg day
7-12 cycle assist

aromasin and sarms at
i have a visible 4 pack when flexed, so im sitting at around 12ish%

id like to keep it to either just an oral or another injectable compound but yes that would be very helpful thank you dylan

not 100% confident importing sarms since they are a banned substance here

Dylan hooked you up,pretty well with a great protocol. For cutting adding in sarms is really all you need. GW, S4, and SR9009 would be my choices
it seems the admin/the vets actually are helpful, instead of the drabs coming in not reading the whole thread, and commenting..

thanks alot guys :):)
it seems the admin/the vets actually are helpful, instead of the drabs coming in not reading the whole thread, and commenting..

thanks alot guys :):)

You're quite welcome brother! That's what we are here for, and I'm glad we could help
it seems the admin/the vets actually are helpful, instead of the drabs coming in not reading the whole thread, and commenting..

thanks alot guys :):)

we have the best administration/staff as well as members that you are going to find bro... that's what isarms is prided on... we are different, far different, in a very positive way... trust me, i have been admin on many sites, have just been a member on many sites and i knew exactly what to and not to do to make isarms the very best of the best... we adhere to the same beliefs here, that we are a family, not just a forum and this resonates in day to day operations here...
its brilliant that you guys have that mindset, ive been a member on enormous forums and never seen the admins so active!!

i did 150ml of test, i think it was a little bit more then that maybe 165?

but anyway are you able to do a possible video on PIP ( post injection pain ) and how to miminise and when to worry (infection absus etc etc) since i haven't seen much good info on it! and im sure you have had plenty of PIP in your life !!
its brilliant that you guys have that mindset, ive been a member on enormous forums and never seen the admins so active!!

i did 150ml of test, i think it was a little bit more then that maybe 165?

but anyway are you able to do a possible video on PIP ( post injection pain ) and how to miminise and when to worry (infection absus etc etc) since i haven't seen much good info on it! and im sure you have had plenty of PIP in your life !!

yes, i will add it to the list... i have a huge list but i will get to it eventually....
its brilliant that you guys have that mindset, ive been a member on enormous forums and never seen the admins so active!!

i did 150ml of test, i think it was a little bit more then that maybe 165?

but anyway are you able to do a possible video on PIP ( post injection pain ) and how to miminise and when to worry (infection absus etc etc) since i haven't seen much good info on it! and im sure you have had plenty of PIP in your life !!
I think that a great topic for a video since it comes up on here in threads pretty much daily

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
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