
hey guys self administered TRT

hey dylan, thank you very much mate. 150 it will be! your my goto guy! i sent my cousin to your videos since he was using deca at 800mg a week! and not he dropped it down to 300 and his seeing alot better gains with very little..
keep the great work up man

much love
thanks guys, it means alot!!

if you can give some suggest how where to run it anybody? i was thinking maybe 200mg or even 150mg

250 gave me the high end range 5 days from the last shot

Give 150 a try and see where that puts you on bloodwork. You want to be in the upper normal range, so if you are be.ow that after bloodwork I would go to 200 then retest, etc...
The whole point is why be on a life time of TRT and all the negatives associated with it..when all you may need is supplemental zinc to get your test up???
Why be in the dark as to the CAUSE of your hyogonadism??
You obvisiously want to be on TRT .. regardless of the facts
Your decision ... a stupid and uninformed one... but's your life to fuck up
Good luck to you
Just go 3 little lines up from the baseline of the syringe and shoot that twice a week since you are using test e. But if you wanted to only use one a week then you are correct. The mark right after 1/2
hey dylan, thank you very much mate. 150 it will be! your my goto guy! i sent my cousin to your videos since he was using deca at 800mg a week! and not he dropped it down to 300 and his seeing alot better gains with very little..
keep the great work up man

much love

excellent bro.. im really glad you listened and that you got your cousin to listen as well.. trust me, more is not always better and many have to learn that fact the hard way...
just thought i would ask here insted of starting a new post.

is there any benefit when cutting to run EQ or prima at LOW doses or is it just useless around 200mg a week? it seems people are saying a low dose is 600mg a week... and i dont really want to run it that high, i understand these are cleaner gaining drugs. since they dont convert to E. or would running an oral like var or winny be better. im not 100% sure on shipping sarms overseas... (please note this is for when i start my cut)

and the ones we got here are FUCKED
just thought i would ask here insted of starting a new post.

is there any benefit when cutting to run EQ or prima at LOW doses or is it just useless around 200mg a week? it seems people are saying a low dose is 600mg a week... and i dont really want to run it that high, i understand these are cleaner gaining drugs. since they dont convert to E. or would running an oral like var or winny be better. im not 100% sure on shipping sarms overseas... (please note this is for when i start my cut)

and the ones we got here are FUCKED

most people run EQ or primo on low doses for a cruise. for a Cut i would suggest running 600-800mg which is normal dose for those compounds. some run even higher 1000+ but thats up to the individual. Anavar is nothing compared to EQ primo or winstrol. not even close. Injectable is going to be better then an Oral if you had a choice, why risk liver toxicity?
i got a price, and felt my back pocket on fire, eq and primo are WAYYYY highly priced!! i dont want the liver toxicity but the EQ and primo are killer!! i seen dylans thoughts on Tbol (turinabol) he said he likes it :)
tbol is sweet... one of the most underrated steroids there is, also eq... these two are the best recomping steroids around aside from tren... which is like good for anything and everything...
well thats what i would LOVE to do really. is recomp, you have the goal physique man!! big and HARD AS NAILS!! dont think id ever do tren... that shit looks scary as fuck!!
well thats what i would LOVE to do really. is recomp, you have the goal physique man!! big and HARD AS NAILS!! dont think id ever do tren... that shit looks scary as fuck!!

tren is something that you need to be extremely experienced to use and you need to know it and understand it inside and out... also, steroids did not get my my physique... all of my years of perfecting my training, the injuries i worked through, the passion i have for all of this, the blood, sweat and tears... if you saw and knew some of the extreme situations and environments i have been in, in some of the most unpleasant scenarios you could dream of and how i still made this my priority, running in negative degree weather, in blizzards, lifting cold steel in the freezing cold where you can't feel your hands or the weather where it was over 100 degrees, in pouring rain etc.. ive done it all, pushed through it all, made it all this way.. THEN i added steroids to take it over the top but i had to get there first and that took a decade to get to... people dont understand what it actually takes... i didnt just wake up with abs one day.. or start taking something and then have them etc... its not the getting there that is difficult either, its the maintenance that people cannot handle... it takes so much bro... i make daily sacrifices 365 days a year... i never eat out... even when i travel, which is often, all of my hotels have to have a kitchen and the first thing i do when getting off the airplane is go rent a car and then go straight to whole foods to have my kitchen stocked and ready.. its not easy but i want it so bad i can make the sacrifice to get what i want...
thanks dyl!! that made me crazily motivated at 7:20am wants me to go work out on a non training day!!

have you found turinabol to be very expensive or would you suggest a cheaper winny or var? EQ needs to be run around 600-800mg a week?

id much prefer an oral.. just the simplicity of been able to pop it every morning/ split dosage during the day insted of injections once a week is enough for me!!
thanks dyl!! that made me crazily motivated at 7:20am wants me to go work out on a non training day!!

have you found turinabol to be very expensive or would you suggest a cheaper winny or var? EQ needs to be run around 600-800mg a week?

id much prefer an oral.. just the simplicity of been able to pop it every morning/ split dosage during the day insted of injections once a week is enough for me!!

tbol is average price... you just have to ask, i dont get into that bro

you cant run an oral without test, so keep that in mind
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