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  1. V

    Trt / test questions

    Well the reason I got the blood work to began with was I'm always tired even on the days I do nothing at work. Whichs made me wonder even sexually I don't stay as hard... It's not like it use to be Ive been lifting for 5 years now so I know how the gains go. I just don't feel the same and I...
  2. V

    Trt / test questions

    Thanks for the info Dylan anything else u suggest doing to gain lean mass? I have rad still from months ago just didn't like how my nuts felt on it became very achy. Titan medical center is the ones who told me they'd put me on trt with the hcg and anti estrogen. I do feel like I am ready to...
  3. V

    Trt / test questions

    Hey Dylan big fan love your work and products.. I'm 26 years old 5'7 145 pounds right now on a cut... Dropped down from 160 over months of natural work. I've used alot of ur products basically everything I've tried or ran once with pct of course.. I had bloods done last month been off sarms for...
  4. V

    GEAR PORN!! Delivery update - Titan Research

    Hey cmb could I please get a list pmed to me thank you
  5. V

    Liquid Cia

    i took it 30 mins prior one full dropper full. i lasted bit longer but it was nothing crazy didnt stay rock hard either.. not knocking it or anything why i came here figure out if i did somthing wrong
  6. V

    Liquid Cia

    Hey just wondering if my liquid Cia would still be good got it when u guys were pure essence never opened... Ive tried the liquid Viagra and it didn't do much so just wondering if the CIa will work.. I am only 26 but want to use it every once and a while to have some long nights =0 hopefully...
  7. V

    Quick Test level question

    i will update once i get the bloodwork i am using sarmsx clomid so i know itll work. thanks again
  8. V

    Quick Test level question

    alright well thank you for the quick response i am going to have think it all over before i buy that stack for pct i know its what ur suggesting just gotta figure out money wise/ am i ready to use all that . Thanks again i did start the clomid today i know u said it wont do much but it is what i...
  9. V

    Quick Test level question

    yeah never took any AAS it was a sarms cycle months ago tho good 4-5 months already after the PCT .. why would i need the aromasin and osta ? I will try the clomid for now most likely and see how it goes.. before jumping into all that.
  10. V

    Quick Test level question

    a layout will help i have just clomid on hand right now so I will start that but i will look at the layout if this does not help.. going to use DAA also
  11. V

    Quick Test level question

    truthfully its been a while since the last bloodwork so i really have no clue.. I wish i had work to go off of. But i am going to try the clomid and go from there.. really more concerned about down there being off haha i mean everything hangs normal.. and are not shrunk i have the drive but...
  12. V

    Quick Test level question

    would a DAA help with the clomid or just a waste of time? I am going to start the clomid tonight and go from there hopefully helps..
  13. V

    Quick Test level question

    I am going to take pics of the printout the blood work came all on separate sheets so its a pain but i will post in a bit thank you for the advice so far. Going to try the clomid most likely after i hear more i have it on hand
  14. V

    Quick Test level question

    never used steroids before only thing ive ever touched was sarms from sarmsx ran two cycles first one ever was super cycle did proper pct and everything then waited months and did shred stack.. proper pct again. So 474 is low? should i see another DR .. not really looking foward to TRT at my...
  15. V

    Quick Test level question

    how much clomid would u suggest? Also why would i have to go on TRT after the clomid, i know the clomid will possibly bring the levels up a bit wouldn't they stay there that i wouldn't need the TRT? Just wondering because all ive ever tried was sarms so i don't know why it would be that low...
  16. V

    Quick Test level question

    Yeah my doc didnt really offer anything said it was in a good range but I dont fully agree but i am also no dr. So was wondering what other things could be said on here.. where I am from TRT places are just opening up so I may have to consider that if they even feel its that low to use it.. I...
  17. V

    Quick Test level question

    Hey just wondering about my levels i had blood work done. I am 26 years old around 15% body fat 150 pounds 5'7 My total test was 474 on a range from 250 to 1100 my free test was 86.9 on a scale from 35.0 to 155.0 Just wondering if thats too low i know it is in range but I dont feel right even...
  18. V

    Ultra Recomp Log

    Hey I should be able to post on this daily.. will try to keep it updated this will be my third sarm stack.. Starting off with the super stack .. loved it gained size and muscle took time off then used the shred stack.. lost almost 20 pounds got sloppy tho at the end of it still diet is not...
  19. V

    Rad-140 / Ostarine log

    Hey man just wondering you feel any sides using the RAD ?
  20. V

    Liquid Cia

    Thank you so much for the quick response. Tomorrow should be fun!!
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