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  1. T

    lgd log (first time sarms user)

    I plan on doing a lgd solo log starting Monday. It'll be a weekly log from the over feel/results from the lgd. I wont be logging in my diet because nobody cares if I ate a carrot at 6:30 am...I just eat how they did in the Eugen Sandow, Bobby Pandour, and Arthur Saxon days. I wont be logging in...
  2. T

    Sarmsx delivery question

    It arrived today! Yay!!!! what's the best way to take it? Some people say leave it under your tongue for a couple of seconds and others say just hurry and drink it and chase it with water.
  3. T

    Sarmsx delivery question

    Right right. Guess I just have to be patient 😣😬
  4. T

    Sarmsx delivery question

    Well tomorrow makes it a week and it's still not here. I ordered LGD last Friday 😕😕 when I checked the tracking it says expected delivery August 11th (today), but the mail man already came and went. The mailbox was empty. The tracking also said it arrived at some mail center in Florida. So I...
  5. T

    Test e + Lgd (recomp/keepable gains)

    I was wondering will it be wise to stack a low dosage of test e with Lgd for a lean bulk/recomp? I don't want to pack on major size because I'm happy with my current weight. I just want to recomp and possibly keep my some of the weight/definition I earned from the cycle. 25yrs old, 7years...
  6. T

    Legit Sarm sources? HARD TO FIND!!!

    You guys are right. I'll be mad as hell if I order from a peptide company and it's just kool-aid mixed with vodka...sarmsx it is!
  7. T

    Legit Sarm sources? HARD TO FIND!!!

    well I been stalking this forum for some time now, and studying up on sarms for the past 4 months. Only problem is a good source is hard to find 😩😠 I was about to order from sarmsx, but prices went up a bit (might still order from them). When I think I found a source, upon research they had some...
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