
Sarmsx delivery question


Well tomorrow makes it a week and it's still not here. I ordered LGD last Friday 😕😕 when I checked the tracking it says expected delivery August 11th (today), but the mail man already came and went. The mailbox was empty. The tracking also said it arrived at some mail center in Florida. So I guess it took 5 days to move from a couple of cities over from the shipping location.

I know it says allow 5-7 days, BUT at the rate it's moving it won't be here for another month...what's going on?
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I wouldn't worry, but I know easier said than done sometimes. I have ordered 3 times from Sarmsx and never had any issues. Unfortunately, Sarmsx has no control over how fast the USPS moves. It will arrive...eventually.
I get the same way sometimes. Unfortunately, the only way to become more patient is by practicing patience.
Well tomorrow makes it a week and it's still not here. I ordered LGD last Friday ���� when I checked the tracking it says expected delivery August 11th (today), but the mail man already came and went. The mailbox was empty. The tracking also said it arrived at some mail center in Florida. So I guess it took 5 days to move from a couple of cities over from the shipping location.

I know it says allow 5-7 days, BUT at the rate it's moving it won't be here for another month...what's going on?

That's 5-7 business days bro. You have to account for the weekend. I'm sure it will be there soon. You can't always go by what tracking says. It isn't always updated in a timely manner and can be days behind on what's actually going on
Damn.. I swear! where's the patience people. SARMSX is on point and you will have your package soon. I've never seen them fail.
It arrived today! Yay!!!! what's the best way to take it? Some people say leave it under your tongue for a couple of seconds and others say just hurry and drink it and chase it with water.
Well tomorrow makes it a week and it's still not here. I ordered LGD last Friday when I checked the tracking it says expected delivery August 11th (today), but the mail man already came and went. The mailbox was empty. The tracking also said it arrived at some mail center in Florida. So I guess it took 5 days to move from a couple of cities over from the shipping location.

I know it says allow 5-7 days, BUT at the rate it's moving it won't be here for another month...what's going on?

I ordered last Friday too.Shipping is a little slow this week.Probably cause it's 100° all over the damn country.I usually get it by Thurs when I order on Friday.I'm not worried about it.It's in my town now.At the worst it'll be here by tomorrow.
So far they've all tasted the same to me.Like alcohol.The MK-677 tastes like moldy,burnt wood though.I still gag a little from it & been on it going on 4mo.
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