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  1. T

    Best cycle/sarms for a football player!?

    Hahaha what do you mean?... Why would it be such a dark road? Lol.... Also, I've heard Tren really messes with your cardio... Wouldn't it hinder me? What do you think?
  2. T

    Best cycle/sarms for a football player!?

    Aw man this is awesome! Thanks brother.
  3. T

    Best cycle/sarms for a football player!?

    What's a super stack or superman stack? Sounds great lol
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    Best cycle/sarms for a football player!?

    Hey brothers, I appreciate all the feedback and help, I honestly really do. As far as testing, you'll be surprised how much collegiate and NFL guys juice, even some coaches are giving some selective players roids. However, as far as SARMS and AAS goes, I'm going to stop taking them by November...
  5. T

    Best cycle/sarms for a football player!?

    I'm 27 and howcome not with the Anavar?
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    Best cycle/sarms for a football player!?

    Hey Dylan, quick question, I have a vial of sus 500, Proviron and Anavar that I was planning on taking in April, should I cycle it together with the SARMS recommendation you gave me or do the roid cycle first, then hop on the SARMS or vice versa? Thanks in Advance!
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    Best cycle/sarms for a football player!?

    Thank a lot Dylan, I really appreciate the help... By the way, what's 9-12 daa that you wrote? I googled searched but I couldn't find anything lol
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    Best cycle/sarms for a football player!?

    I appreciate the help you guys and it's for next years combine I was referring to. Thank you!
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    Best cycle/sarms for a football player!?

    Thanks you guys, I really appreciate the input. I'm definitely going to purchase these compounds to get ready for the NFL.... I'm guessing, pure essence is the best place to order these compounds?
  10. T

    Best cycle/sarms for a football player!?

    Thanks you guys, I really appreciate the input. I'm definitely going to purchase these compounds to get ready for the NFL.... I'm guessing, pure essence is the best place to order these compounds?
  11. T

    Best cycle/sarms for a football player!?

    Hello, Wondering what would be the best steroid cycle or sarm cycle for a football player?. Basically, anything that makes you run faster(most importantly), jump higher and become all around more explosive! Thanks in advance!
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