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    Why I stopped using steroids: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

    Dylan will you start doing videos on another platform? or make your own .tv thing like the Hodgetwins did? I'd subscribe to that
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    Trenbolone Ace

    The answer you're looking for is test cyp can absolutely be run with tren ace, and whoever told you otherwise is an idiot... But I do not suggest using tren at all until you have done at least 3-4 cycles of test and others... tren is absolutely not for beginners, but if you insist... for your...
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    MK vs Ghrp6

    Fantastic information! Thank you! Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
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    MK vs Ghrp6

    As the title suggests Which one would you guys say is more effective? Both are supposed to cause a release of GH by mimicking grellin Which would you choose Mk-677 or Ghrp6
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    A search of SR9009 found Dylan months ago, and then this guy turns up... other than his 19 day "review" all of what he says is parroting the studies on google scholar
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    Yeah I got a 3 pack of 9009 from sarmsx, I wouldn't trust boomhauer here to feed my cat
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    SR9009 White Film on Dropper

    I heated it up in a double boiler until it was clear, worked pretty well as far as I can tell... stuff tastes like licorice and everclear though, that will take getting used to
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    There's not much on the subject of 9009, its potential seems amazing. I want to hear from more that have used at least 1 bottle of it
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    Sr9009 Here you go... hes got several videos on it
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    So I recently saw a video of a guy claiming sr9009 put on 12.2 lbs of lean mass in 19 days, with the only other thing taken was a little RAD... what are your thoughts on this?
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    SR9009 White Film on Dropper

    btw the sink didnt work
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    SR9009 White Film on Dropper

    I'm heating it up now in a double boiler so it doesn't get too hot
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    SR9009 White Film on Dropper

    Just got my 9009 today, and theres a large chunk of white crystals in the bottom... what temp do I need to get to melt this down?
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    Thanks Dylan, I want this cycle to be the exclamation point of my transformation I started this at 305lbs and 35%... in April of 15. I'm in the gym 5-6 days a week, my goal is to be at 230 is and 10-12% at the end From fat slob to norse god... Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
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    Thanks guys, I'm at 260 and 20% right now, not quite ready for it but I like to figure things out well in advance As for the prop vs cyp, I have cyp and I'm doing trt on cyp so its just what I keep on hand Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
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    Considering doing tren my first time If I go through with it the plan is for 6 weeks Tren A 100. .5ml mon/wed/fri Test c 250 .75ml every monday Caber .5mg 2x a week probably mon/thur Aromasin 12.5mg eod SR9009 30mg a day split 3x Any thoughts? Too weak? Too much?
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    Extended cycle

    Oh no, no hurry to run this, it just seemed like they would all work well together. When I get down in bf, my first was going to be 500mg a week of test and 25mg a day of dbol... and aromasin Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
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    New here

    Thanks :) Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
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    Extended cycle

    No cycles at all, I've been studying them each since I was put on trt (doing that myself, 250mg test c weekly) Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
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    Extended cycle

    266 with 29%, I'm on trt and I'm actively dropping bf% I don't plan to start anything until I get under 20%. Down from 300@35% 6 months ago Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
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