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So I recently saw a video of a guy claiming sr9009 put on 12.2 lbs of lean mass in 19 days, with the only other thing taken was a little RAD... what are your thoughts on this?
There's not much on the subject of 9009, its potential seems amazing. I want to hear from more that have used at least 1 bottle of it
So I recently saw a video of a guy claiming sr9009 put on 12.2 lbs of lean mass in 19 days, with the only other thing taken was a little RAD... what are your thoughts on this?

I wouldn't listen to a word that guy says. The company he promotes puts prohormones into their bottles, and he sells Sarms in capsule form which is a big no no

SR9009 is an awesome compound, but in no way is it a mass builder. It boosts metabolism and endurance and gives amazing fat loss benefits. You always want to get your Sarms from a trusted source, and there is no better than

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
What an idiot. If he's taking 2 SARMS and says the least anabolic one will put on 19 pounds in 19 days he is a fucktard. IF he did put on that much it was the RAD or the combo. So many YouTube idiots

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Yeah I got a 3 pack of 9009 from sarmsx, I wouldn't trust boomhauer here to feed my cat
Haha!! Couldn't have said it better myself

He looks like a cross between woody Harrelson and Slingblade

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
That guy should take his hair lip and go figure out life. Lol. What a moron.

i honestly cant believe anyone can even watch this fucking clown for more than 1 second... i mean for fuck sake, seriously? i dont even know what to say... i'll save the things i would have used to say since its really not right to make fun of people for things that are obviously apparent but for me, even if i have to close my eyes, which i do with this guy so i dont have to see him, just listen to him.. its fucking pathetic... i mean its so bad i dont even know what to say
I'm only sad .... Sad because there are people that are gonna listen to him ... Sad that there path didn't bring them to us ... Sad there gonna learn the hard way
A search of SR9009 found Dylan months ago, and then this guy turns up... other than his 19 day "review" all of what he says is parroting the studies on google scholar
A search of SR9009 found Dylan months ago, and then this guy turns up... other than his 19 day "review" all of what he says is parroting the studies on google scholar

ive been studying sr for quite a long time, before anyone even knew about it... this guy did exactly what you said...
100%correct . This guy is hilarious.. I remember when he said sarms are going to get banned, so buy them while you can! Hint hint.

Sent from the NY ROBO house of GAINZZZZ

Ahahhahh, this the same dude that said his bat sensors are going off and everyone needs to buy sarms now before they are banned. lol !
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